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Getting started with Graphcore IPU Jobs

This guide assumes basic familiarity with Kubernetes (K8s) and usage of kubectl. See GPU service tutorial to get started.


Graphcore provides prebuilt docker containers (full lists here) which contain the required libraries (pytorch, tensorflow, poplar etc.) and can be used directly within the K8s to run on the Graphcore IPUs.

In this tutorial we will cover running training with a single IPU. The subsequent tutorial will cover using multiple IPUs, which can be used for distrubed training jobs.

Creating your first IPU job

For our first IPU job, we will be using the Graphcore PyTorch (PopTorch) container image (graphcore/pytorch:3.3.0) to run a simple example of training a neural network for classification on the MNIST dataset, which is provided here. More applications can be found in the repository

To get started:

  1. to specify the job - create the file mnist-training-ipujob.yaml, then copy and save the following content into the file:
kind: IPUJob
  generateName: mnist-training-
  # jobInstances defines the number of job instances.
  # More than 1 job instance is usually useful for inference jobs only.
  jobInstances: 1
  # ipusPerJobInstance refers to the number of IPUs required per job instance.
  # A separate IPU partition of this size will be created by the IPU Operator
  # for each job instance.
  ipusPerJobInstance: "1"
        - name: mnist-training
          image: graphcore/pytorch:3.3.0
          command: [/bin/bash, -c, --]
            - |
              mkdir build;
              cd build;
              git clone;
              cd examples/tutorials/simple_applications/pytorch/mnist;
              python -m pip install -r requirements.txt;
              python --epochs 1
              cpu: 32
              memory: 200Gi
              - IPC_LOCK
          - mountPath: /dev/shm
            name: devshm
        restartPolicy: Never
        hostIPC: true
        - emptyDir:
            medium: Memory
            sizeLimit: 10Gi
          name: devshm
  1. to submit the job - run kubectl create -f mnist-training-ipujob.yaml, which will give the following output:<random string> created
  2. to monitor progress of the job - run kubectl get pods, which will give the following output

    NAME                      READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
    mnist-training-<random string>-worker-0   0/1     Completed   0          2m56s
  3. to read the result - run kubectl logs mnist-training-<random string>-worker-0, which will give the following output (or similar)

Graph compilation: 100%|██████████| 100/100 [00:23<00:00]
Epochs: 100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:34<00:00, 34.18s/it]
Accuracy on test set: 97.08%

Monitoring and Cancelling your IPU job

An IPU job creates an IPU Operator, which manages the required worker or launcher pods. To see running or complete IPUjobs, run kubectl get ipujobs, which will show:

mnist-training   Completed   0         1         All instances done   10m

To delete the IPUjob, run kubectl delete ipujobs <job-name>, e.g. kubectl delete ipujobs mnist-training-<random string>. This will also delete the associated worker pod mnist-training-<random string>-worker-0.

Note: simply deleting the pod via kubectl delete pods mnist-training-<random-string>-worker-0 does not delete the IPU job, which will need to be deleted separately.

Note: you can list all pods via kubectl get all or kubectl get pods, but they do not show the ipujobs. These can be obtained using kubectl get ipujobs.

Note: kubectl describe <pod-name> provides verbose description of a specific pod.


The Graphcore IPU Operator (Kubernetes interface) extends the Kubernetes API by introducing a custom resource definition (CRD) named IPUJob, which can be seen at the beginning of the included yaml file:

kind: IPUJob

An IPUJob allows users to defineworkloads that can use IPUs. There are several fields specific to an IPUJob:

job instances : This defines the number of jobs. In the case of training it should be 1.

ipusPerJobInstance : This defines the size of IPU partition that will be created for each job instance.

workers : This defines a Pod specification that will be used for Worker Pods, including the container image and commands.

These fields have been populated in the example .yaml file. For distributed training (with multiple IPUs), additional fields need to be included, which will be described in the next lesson.

Additional Information

It is possible to further specify the restart policy (Always/OnFailure/Never/ExitCode) and clean up policy (Workers/All/None); see here.