Understanding the logfile


Teaching: 20 min
Exercises: 0 min
  • What information does LAMMPS print to screen/logfile?

  • What does that information mean?

  • Understand the information that LAMMPS prints to screen / writes to the logfile before, during, and after a simulation.

Log file

The logfile is where we can find thermodynamic information of interest. By default, LAMMPS will write to a file called log.lammps. All info output to the terminal is replicated in this file. We can change the name of the logfile by adding a log command to your script:

log     new_file_name.extension

We can change which file to write to multiple times during a simulation, and even append to a file if, for example, we want the thermodynamic data separate from the logging of other assorted commands. The thermodynamic data, which we setup with the thermo and thermo_style command, create the following (truncated) output:

    Step         Temp       TotEng       PotEng       KinEng        Press       Volume      Density
       0            1    -2.709841    -4.208341       1.4985   -2.6415761    1666.6667          0.6
     500   0.91083091   -2.6743978   -4.0392779    1.3648801   -0.1637597    1666.6667          0.6
    1000   0.96279851   -2.6272603   -4.0700139    1.4427536  -0.14422949    1666.6667          0.6
    1500   0.97878978   -2.6029892   -4.0697057    1.4667165  -0.11813628    1666.6667          0.6
    2000   0.93942595   -2.5817381   -3.9894679    1.4077298  -0.31689463    1666.6667          0.6

At the start, we get a header with the column names, and then a line for each time-step that’s a multiple of the value we set thermo to. In this example, we’re running an NVT simulation, so we’ve fixed the number of particles, the volume and dimensions of the simulation box, and the temperature – we can see from the logfile that Volume and Density remain constant (but not Temp). This would change if we used a different ensemble. At the end of each run command, we get the analysis of how the simulation time is spent:

Loop time of 4.2033 on 128 procs for 50000 steps with 1000 atoms

Performance: 5138815.615 tau/day, 11895.407 timesteps/s
99.3% CPU use with 128 MPI tasks x 1 OpenMP threads

MPI task timing breakdown:
Section |  min time  |  avg time  |  max time  |%varavg| %total
Pair    | 0.25206    | 0.29755    | 0.34713    |   4.5 |  7.08
Neigh   | 0.21409    | 0.22675    | 0.23875    |   1.2 |  5.39
Comm    | 2.9381     | 3.097      | 3.2622     |   4.6 | 73.68
Output  | 0.0041445  | 0.0049069  | 0.0052867  |   0.4 |  0.12
Modify  | 0.40665    | 0.53474    | 0.67692    |  10.0 | 12.72
Other   |            | 0.04237    |            |       |  1.01

Nlocal:         7.8125 ave          12 max           5 min
Histogram: 6 21 22 0 37 29 0 11 1 1
Nghost:        755.055 ave         770 max         737 min
Histogram: 2 6 4 18 23 20 30 13 7 5
Neighs:        711.773 ave        1218 max         392 min
Histogram: 8 14 24 15 31 22 11 1 0 2

Total # of neighbors = 91107
Ave neighs/atom = 91.107
Neighbor list builds = 4999
Dangerous builds = 4996
Total wall time: 0:00:04

The data shown here is very important to understand the computational performance of our simulation, and we can it to help improve the speed at which our simulations run substantially. The first line gives us the details of the last run command - how many seconds it took, on how many processes it ran on, how many time-steps, and how many atoms. This can be useful to compare between different systems.

Then we get some benchmark information:

Performance: 5138815.615 tau/day, 11895.407 timesteps/s
99.3% CPU use with 128 MPI tasks x 1 OpenMP threads

This tells us how many time units per day, and how many time-steps per second we are running. It also tells us how much of the available CPU resources LAMMPS was able to use, and how many MPI tasks and OpenMP threads.

The next table shows a breakdown of the time spent on each task by the MPI library:

MPI task timing breakdown:
Section |  min time  |  avg time  |  max time  |%varavg| %total
Pair    | 0.25206    | 0.29755    | 0.34713    |   4.5 |  7.08
Neigh   | 0.21409    | 0.22675    | 0.23875    |   1.2 |  5.39
Comm    | 2.9381     | 3.097      | 3.2622     |   4.6 | 73.68
Output  | 0.0041445  | 0.0049069  | 0.0052867  |   0.4 |  0.12
Modify  | 0.40665    | 0.53474    | 0.67692    |  10.0 | 12.72
Other   |            | 0.04237    |            |       |  1.01

There are 8 possible MPI tasks in this breakdown:

Each category shows a breakdown of the least, average, and most amount of wall time any processor spent on each category – large variability in this (calculated as %varavg) indicates a load imbalance (which can be caused by the atom distribution between processors not being optimal). The final column, %total, is the percentage of the loop time spent in the category.

A rule-of-thumb for %total on each category

  • Pair: as much as possible.
  • Neigh: 10% to 30%.
  • Kspace: 10% to 30%.
  • Comm: as little as possible. If it’s growing large, it’s a clear sign that too many computational resources are being assigned to a simulation.

The next session is about the distribution of work amongs the different threads:

Nlocal:         7.8125 ave          12 max           5 min
Histogram: 6 21 22 0 37 29 0 11 1 1
Nghost:        755.055 ave         770 max         737 min
Histogram: 2 6 4 18 23 20 30 13 7 5
Neighs:        711.773 ave        1218 max         392 min
Histogram: 8 14 24 15 31 22 11 1 0 2

The three subsections all have the same format: a title followed by average, maximum, and minimum number of particles per processor, followed by a 10-bin histogram of showing the distribution. The total number of histogram counts is equal to the number of processors used. The three properties listed are:

The final section shows aggregate statistics accross all processors for pairwise neighbours:

Total # of neighbors = 91107
Ave neighs/atom = 91.107
Neighbor list builds = 4999
Dangerous builds = 4996

It includes the number of total neighbours, the average number of neighbours per atom, the number of neighbour list rebuilds, and the number of potentially dangerous rebuilds. The potentially dangerous rebuilds are ones that are triggered on the first timestep that is checked. If this number is not zero, you should consider reducing the delay factor on the neigh_modify command.

The last line on every LAMMPS simulation will be the total wall time for the entire input script, no matter how many run commands it has:

Total wall time: 0:00:04

Key Points

  • Thermodynamic information outputted by LAMMPS can be used to track whether a simulations is running OK.

  • Performance data at the end of a logfile can give us insights into how to make a simulation faster.