

Teaching: 15 min
Exercises: 0 min
  • What can I expect from this course?

  • How will the course work and how will I get help?

  • How can I give feedback to improve the course?

  • Understand how this course works, how I can get help and how I can give feedback.


Course structure and method

Some parts of this course are taught following The Carpentries methodology. Typically, this follows the method of the instructor demonstrating and the attendees following along with the instructor.

You should feel free to ask questions of the instructors whenever you like. The instructor will also provide opportunities to pause and ask questions.

We will also make use of a shared collaborative document - the etherpad. You will find a link to this collaborative document on the course page. We will use it for a number of different purposes, for example, it may be used during exercises and instructors and helpers may put useful information or links in the etherpad that help or expand on the material being taught. If you have useful information to share with the class then please do add it to the etherpad. At the end of the course, we take a copy of the information in the etherpad, remove any personally-identifiable information and post this on the course archive page so you should always be able to come back and find any information you found useful.

Using Collaborate



Feedback is integral to how we approach training both during and after the course. In particular, we use feedback during the course to ensure we tailor the pace and content appropriately for the attendees and feedback after the course to help us improve our training for the future.

At the end of each day we will also run a quick feedback activity to gauge how the course is matching onto attendees requirements.

Finally, you will be provided with the opportunity to provide feedback on the course after it has finished. We welcome all this feedback, both good and bad, as this information in key to allow us to continually improve the training we offer.

Key Points

  • We should all understand and follow the ARCHER2 Code of Conduct to ensure this course is conducted in the best teaching environment.

  • The course will be flexible to best meet the learning needs of the attendees.

  • Feedback is an essential part of our training to allow us to continue to improve and make sure the course is as useful as possible to attendees.