Data Analysis and Visualisation in Python on ARCHER2: Setup

Please try to complete the following setup tasks ahead of the lesson. Doing so will make sure you can immediately connect to ARCHER2 and get working on the day of the course. We go over:

Install an SSH client

The Secure Shell protocol allows users to connect to the ARCHER2 supercomputer. If you’ve ever logged into a remote workstation or cluster, you are probably used to using SSH.

If not, you will need to make sure you are ready for the course. If you are using a Linux distribution or macOS, you can use the ssh command line program to log in. If you are on Windows, you have several options. The simplest way to get going is probably to download the free home edition of MobaXterm which provides (among many other tools) an SSH client. You may prefer to use another client if you are used to it, but we only support MobaXterm and may not be able to help you if you run into problems using another client.

Create an SSH keypair

You may already have an SSH keypair ready to use, but we recommend that you create a new one ready to use with ARCHER2 simply as this is more secure than reusing the same key.

An SSH keypair is made up of two keys stored as separate files: a public key and a private key. The public key needs to placed on the remote system you want to connect to, in this case ARCHER2. The private key should never leave the machine you created it on, so your laptop or workstation. Then, later on, when connecting to ARCHER2, the two key files will be used along with your password to authenticate your access to the system.

How to create a keypair will depend on your operating system.

Create an SSH keypair on Linux and macOS

On Linux and macOS you can use the ssh-keygen tool to create a new key. Start a terminal and run the command

user@machine:~> ssh-keygen -t rsa -C ""
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/home/user/.ssh/id_rsa): [Enter]
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): [Passphrase]
Enter same passphrase again: [Passphrase]
Your identification has been saved in /Home/user/.ssh/id_rsa.
Your public key has been saved in /Home/user/.ssh/
The key fingerprint is:
The key's randomart image is:
+--[ RSA 2048]----+
|    . ...+o++++. |
| . . . =o..      |
|+ . . .......o o |
|oE .   .         |
|o =     .   S    |
|.    +.+     .   |
|.  oo            |
|.  .             |
| ..              |

The text following the -C option is a comment that can help identify which key is which. You might want to add to this comment to mention also which local machine you are using to log in to ARCHER2, in case you end up logging into the system from multiple local machines.

If you’ve never used these keys before, you can safely press the enter key to use the default key names of id_rsa and, placing them in your $HOME/.ssh directory. If you have used the default keys in that directory before, you’ll probably want to create new ones: either with different names, or perhaps in a different location. In that case, enter the absolute path and name of the private key at the first prompt. That private key will be generated, and the public key will be generated just the same but with a .pub extension.

Non-standard key names or locations

If your key is called anything other than id_rsa, or if is located somewhere other than $HOME/.ssh, the SSH client may have trouble finding it. We will cover telling SSH how to find the key in the section below on connecting to ARCHER2.

You should also enter a key passphrase when prompted, rather than leaving it empty.

Once this has been done, you are ready to add this public key to your ARCHER2 account.

Create an SSH keypair on Windows with MobaXterm

As mentioned above, we strongly recommend using MobaXterm to connect to ARCHER2 from Windows. You may choose to use a different SSH client, but we may not be able to provide support if you run into difficulties.

Start MobaXterm. Click on the ‘Tools’ item in the menu along the top of the window, and then on ‘MobaKeyGen’ from the drop-down menu. A new window will open.

You can leave the options along the bottom of the new windows as-is. Click on the ‘Generate’ button. At this point, you’ll see a message in the large blank area asking you to move the mouse cursor around in order to generate randomness. Do so until the bar fills up to generate the random key.

Once this has been done, you’ll see the text of the public key appear in a new text box. There are three text boxes below for you to fill out. The first is a comment you can add to identify the key. Enter your email address. You might want to add to this comment to mention also which local machine you are using to log in to ARCHER2, in case you end up logging into the system from multiple local machines. In the next two boxes enter the passphrase you want to use to unlock the key for use.

Finally, save the public and private keys by pressing these two buttons. The private key will be saved with a .ppk (PuTTY Private Key) extension, while the public key won’t have an extension. You can place these wherever you like with whatever name you like, as long as it makes sense to you. Perhaps you could create a directory calls sshkeys in your home directory and inside it place the two keys, archer2.ppk and archer2.

You should keep this window open just for now. The format MobaXterm saves its keys in can’t be used with other SSH clients, so the best way to add the key to your ARCHER2 account is to copy and paste it directly from this window.

Create a SAFE account

If you don’t already have a SAFE account, you will need one in order to create an account on ARCHER2.

The SAFE is located online at Go there and click on the ‘Create an account’ link to set up a new account. You will be required to enter some personal information in order to register, including details of your institution.

Create an ARCHER2 account

Getting a new account for this course on ARCHER2 is managed via the SAFE. If you’ve used ARCHER2 or another EPCC system before, this process will be familiar to you. Go to and log in with your SAFE account details.

Once you are logged in, mouse over ‘Login accounts’ on the web page’s top menu bar and then, once the menu has popped up, click on ‘Request login account’. The next page will request the project under which the account should be created. Make sure that you enter the code ta104 – double check it before you click the ‘Next’ button. After this the project managers (in this case the people running the course) will get an email that allows them to approve your account. If you enter the incorrect code, the request will be created under the wrong project, the wrong people will be asked to approve the account, and it will likely be rejected.

On the next page you will be asked which machine the account should be created on. There should be only one option, ARCHER2, and it should already be selected. You can click ‘Next’ to move on.

On the final page you will need to choose the username you will have on ARCHER2, accept the terms and conditions of the system’s use, and provide an optional SSH public key. If you have already created a key, as described above, you can either upload the public key file here or else copy and paste the text in the file into the text box on this page. If you don’t do this now, you will need to add one to your account once it is active.

If you are using Windows, now is when you can highlight the text of the public key from MobaXterm, copy it, and paste it into the SAFE. Then, you can close MobaKeyGen. If you’re on Linux or macOS, you can copy the text of the public key or else upload it directly.

After clicking on ‘Request’ the project managers will be asked to approve your account. Assuming you are enrolled on this course they will do so, and you will then receive another email to inform you of the outcome.

Add an SSH key and checking your initial password

Once your ARCHER2 machine account has been created, you can go to the SAFE website again. Once logged in, mouse over ‘Login accounts’ on the menu bar along the top of the page. You should now see ‘user@archer2’, where ‘user’ is the username you chose.

Clicking on that will take you to the main page you can use to manage your account. There is information on this page about your resources and storage on ARCHER2. You’ll see a set of buttons near the bottom of the page. We’ll cover the three which are most important for everyone here.

Firstly, if you didn’t add an SSH key to your account you can do so now. Click on ‘Add credential’ and then click through to add your public key. As noted above, the best way to do this from Windows is to keep your MobeKeyGen window open when you generate the key, then copy and paste the public key’s text into the SAFE. On Linux and macOS you can copy and paste the key or else upload the file directly.

Logging in from multiple machines

Remember that an SSH private key should never leave the machine it was generated on. That means that if you want to be able to log on to ARCHER2 from any other machines, you will need to generate a new SSH keypair. You will then need to add the new public key to your ARCHER2 account on the SAFE just as described here. The SAFE page for your account will list all SSH keys on the account. You can remove any old ones with the ‘Delete Credential’ button.

Secondly, the ‘View Login Account Password’ button will take you to a page where you can see the password you will use the first time that you log in to ARCHER2. You will be prompted then to change the password to one of your choosing. The password shown in the SAFE will not change to reflect that; only you will know your password.

Thirdly, if you forget or lose your login password, you can come here again and click on ‘Request Password Reset’. You will receive an email shortly afterwards to tell you that this the password on the machine has been changed, and you can come back to the SAFE to ‘View Login Account Password’ again, which is just as though you were logging in for the first time again.

Test logging in to ARCHER2

Everything is now in place for you to attempt logging in to ARCHER2. The methods will be different depending on your operating system.

Passwords and passphrases

There’s potential to get confused between ‘passwords’ and ‘passphrases’. These always refer to two specific, different methods of authentication. Your ‘password’ is always the sequence of characters that you obtain from the SAFE for your first login and then set in the terminal for subsequent logins. The ‘passphrase’ on the other hand is always the sequence of characters that you set when you created your SSH key to keep it locked. You will need to remember which is which and provide the correct one when prompted.

Log in from Linux and macOS

From Linux and macOS you will log in using the ssh program. In its simplest form, this is:

user@machine:~> ssh

If it works, you will need to provide your key’s passphrase and the initial account password that you can retrieve from the SAFE. You will then be told that you need to change your password to a new one of your choosing. You’ll need to re-enter the initial password from the SAFE, and then enter the new one twice.

If the connection is rejected with a message Permission denied (publickey) you will probably need to tell SSH to use the specific SSH key you set up for your account. If you created your new private key at /home/user/.ssh/id_rsa_archer2 and your new public key at /home/user/.ssh/, then you should run instead:

user@machine:~> ssh -i /home/user/.ssh/id_rsa_archer2

You could also create or edit the file $HOME/.ssh/config to have a set of lines reading:

Host archer2
  User user
  IdentityFile /home/user/.ssh/id_rsa_archer2

You should change user to be your ARCHER2 username. If you do this, you can then log in using:

user@machine:~> ssh archer2

where archer2 is being matched with the Host entry in $HOME/.ssh/config.

Once you have successfully logged in to ARCHER2, you are ready to follow along with the lessons in the course.

Log in from Windows with MobaXterm

Using MobaXterm, we’ll set up a reusable ARCHER2 SSH session.

Once MobaXterm is open, click on the large ‘Session’ icon at the top left. A new window will open with a row of icons. The leftmost shows a key with ‘SSH’ – click on this to define a new SSH session.

In the ‘Remote host’ text box enter Make sure that the ‘Specify username’ box is ticked, and enter your ARCHER2 username into the text box next to it. The port should remain 22.

Now click on the ‘Advanced SSH settings’ tab below. This will open a new set of options. Tick the ‘Use private key’ box. You’ll see in the text box next to it that there is a little file icon. Click on this, then navigate to where you saved your SSH key files. Choose the .ppk file you saved earlier, and then on OK. You can then click on the Session window’s OK button to create the session.

You should now have a session listed in the left-hand pane of MobaXterm. If you double-click on it, it will try to connect to ARCHER2. You will need to provide your key’s passphrase and the initial account password that you can retrieve from the SAFE. You will then be told that you need to change your password to a new one of your choosing. You’ll need to re-enter the initial password from the SAFE, and then enter the new one twice.

Once you have successfully logged in to ARCHER2, you are ready to follow along with the lessons in the course.