Running jobs on the ARCHER2 data analysis nodes


Teaching: 30 min
Exercises: 0 min
  • What is a scheduler?

  • What is a job?

  • How do I run jobs?

  • Write a correct job script.

  • Submit a job to the queue and retrieve the results.

The Slurm batch system

We’ve spoken about the layout of ARCHER2. Its structure is broadly typical for a cluster: there is a frontend, the login nodes, which we connect to via SSH and where we prepare data and work, and then the backend, made up of the compute nodes which will actually do the work. So far though we’ve only interacted with the login nodes.

Access to the backend is governed by a ‘scheduler’. Again, this is typical for a cluster. A scheduler is a piece of software running in the background. Users submit jobs to it, which are requests for resources to be used (typically a number of CPU cores or nodes and perhaps an amount of memory) over a certain period of time, and the scheduler determines when to reserve those resources for that job. This may sound simple, but there can be many hundreds or thousands of jobs either running or waiting to run at any given time, and the scheduler must determine when to run what as fairly as possible for everyone.

Slurm is the name of the scheduler used on ARCHER2. If you’ve used a cluster before, you might be familiar with it or with alternatives like PBS or SGE. They are all used in a similar manner, but the commands used to interact with each of these schedulers differ.

Try running the squeue command now. This will produce a list of all the jobs in the system. It will probably be quite long.

auser@ln01:~> squeue

If you want to see what jobs auser has in the system, you can use

auser@ln01:~> squeue -u auser

You can use this to look at your own jobs, but it can be quicker and easier to run

auser@ln01:~> squeue --me

Of course, we haven’t actually run any jobs yet, so you’ll see an empty list if you check yourself with squeue.

For any jobs listed, you’ll see its ID, its name, the length of time it’s been running and its status. Most jobs will have the status R, meaning ‘running’, or PD, meaning ‘pending’. Running jobs will also list the names of the nodes they’re using, while pending jobs will list the reason they haven’t run yet.

Slurm tries to be fair when determining when the pending jobs should be started. If you’re interested it uses what is called a backfill algorithm, but the gist of it is that it schedules the largest pending jobs first, taking into account how many resources they each need and for how long, and then it starts fitting smaller jobs into the gaps between the big jobs.

You might still be wondering ‘what is a job, though?’ At the highest level, a job is a set of resources, CPU cores and memory, on the backend of the cluster that has been reserved for you and your work. In most cases, users are charged for their jobs from a budget they have access to. Resources on ARCHER2 are in units of ‘CU’ where 1 CU is equal to one node hour. One node is the use of one compute node for one hour, so using two nodes for four hours would cost 8 CU, for example. If a user’s budget runs out, they can no longer run jobs from it. Most jobs do cost CUs to run, though, as we’ll see below, we’ll be using the special data analysis or serial nodes which are free to use.

Job scripts

Resources by themselves don’t do anything. What we call an interactive job allows you, the user, to directly work on the backend in a shell. On ARCHER2, you might for example submit a job asking for four nodes. When the job starts, you would move onto the first node in the job and work directly on it.

Most of the time, though, people will submit job scripts to the scheduler instead. These are simply shell scripts, with some extra syntax at the beginning saying what resources are needed, that go in order through the steps needed to complete the work.

How to write a text file on ARCHER2

You can write text files locally on your own machine and copy it to ARCHER2, but most people will edit them directly on the system using a text editor. emacs, vi/vim and nano are all available. If you aren’t experienced with any of these, nano is quite simple and the fastest to learn.

The job script that we will use in this course looks like the following:


# Slurm job options. Set name and max time.
#SBATCH --job-name=python_job
#SBATCH --time=0:20:0
#SBATCH --ntasks=1

# Run with budget ta104 on the serial nodes.
#SBATCH --partition=serial
#SBATCH --qos=serial
#SBATCH --account=ta104

# Define memory required for this jobs. By default, you would 
# get just under 2 GB, but you can ask for up to 125 GB.
#SBATCH --mem=2G

# Set the number of threads to 1
#   This prevents any threaded system libraries from automatically 
#   using threading.

# Make the Cray Python installation available.
module load cray-python

# Make available user-installed Python packages installed in work.
export PYTHONUSERBASE=${HOME/home/work}/.local
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONUSERBASE/lib/python3.8/site-packages:$PYTHONPATH

# Run through Python.

There’s quite a lot to take in here, so we’ll go through it piece-by-piece.

The first line is a shebang. Just as Python scripts often start with #!/usr/bin/python, #!/usr/bin/env python3 or another similar command that means the script is to be run through the Python interpreter, the shebang in this case says that the script is to be run through bash.

Several more lines beginning with # follow. Some are comments, just there to help us understand what’s happening. Very important though are the lines beginning with #SBATCH. These are Slurm directives which provide information about the resources we would like for this job.

Because these lines begin with the bash comment character #, bash will ignore them. But, as we’ll see, we run the script through a special command which will pick these lines up and use them when entering the job into the scheduler.

So far, everything we’ve seen has been about setting up the job and requesting the resources we would like to use for it. But what about the actual work? We want a Python script to run and do something useful for us. So, after all the #SBATCH lines are some uncommented lines of commands to actually be run via bash on the data analysis node when the job begins. Let’s go over those now.

Firstly, there’s an export command setting the variable OMP_NUM_THREADS to have the value of 1. This isn’t too important for us here, but its purpose is to make sure that anything in the background that might use OpenMP threading for parallelisation restricts itself to one thread only. This makes sense, as we’ve only got one CPU core to use from the ntasks option we set.

Next, we load a module and set some environment variables. These should be familiar to you from the previous lesson: we’re loading Cray Python and making sure that it will be able to see and use the Python packages we installed into our work directory. These commands make an important point: the environment within the job is new and separate from the environment we’re using in our interactive shell session. If there are any steps you need to go through to enable your code to start and run correctly, you should put them into your job script. If we hadn’t run module load cray-python, the system Python installation would be used instead; if we hadn’t set these three environment variables, Python would have no idea where to find matplotlib or plotnine.

At this point there is only one thing left to do, and that’s to run the Python script itself, so we start Python and tell it to run

Running and controlling a job

The next step is to actually run a job. Let’s take our imaginary job script above and save it in a file somewhere in our work directories. Its name doesn’t really matter: the most important thing is that it makes sense to you. One choice that can help you is to give the files a .slurm extension, so you can at least pick out which files are job scripts. From there you might choose to use run.slurm, submit.slurm, or perhaps you would like to include some information about the particular job in the name – for example, submit-T100.slurm, submit-T200.slurm and so on if the different jobs vary some parameter T.

With the script saved to file, you can submit the job to the queue by running the sbatch command as follows:

auser@ln01:/work/ta104/ta104/auser/jobdir> sbatch submit.slurm
Submitted batch job 3327070

Problems submitting the job

If Slurm thinks that some of the #SBATCH options you set in your script don’t make sense, it might refuse to accept your job and give an error message. Check with the instructor or one of the helpers for assistance, providing the error you receive and your full job script so they can help you fix the problem.

Once your job has been submitted, you can check the status of your job in the queue:

auser@ln01:/work/ta104/ta104/auser/jobdir> squeue --me
           3327087    serial  python-job   auser  R       0:01      1 dvn01

In the output above, the job has the R status, as it started running almost straight away. If the queue’s a bit busier when you submit, you might see it pending with the PD status. In this case it might take a while for the job to start running, but as long as you kept the time option in your script to only a few tens of minutes or less it shouldn’t be long.

Sometimes you realise that you’ve made a mistake in your script, or perhaps you don’t need a job to run any more for some other reason. This could be while it’s running or while it’s still pending. In either case, you can cancel it with the scancel command, giving the ID of the job you want to cancel:

auser@ln01:/work/ta104/ta104/auser/jobdir> scancel 3327087

The only people who can cancel your jobs are you yourself and the system administrators, and the latter only in extremely unusual circumstances. If there were a need to cancel your jobs, in almost all cases the ARCHER2 service desk would contact you directly and ask if you are able to do so.

Any output to STDOUT and STDERR – that is, output and error messages that would normally appear in your terminal if you ran the script in an interactive session – will instead be written to a file called slurm-<jobid>.out. In the example job submission here, that means you would expect to find a file called slurm-3327087.out in the same directory as the job script. You can check this file while the job is running to make sure that it’s working as you can expect, and after the job has run it can help you determine whether it ended as you expected it should.

cat will dump the entire contents of a text file to the terminal’s output:

auser@ln01:/work/ta104/ta104/auser/jobdir> cat slurm-3327087.out

less allows you to scroll and search through a file:

auser@ln01:/work/ta104/ta104/auser/jobdir> less slurm-3327087.out

While a set of text is open with less, press q to quit back to the prompt. The up and down arrow keys move you line by line through the text. u and d will move you up and down a half-page at a time. g returns to the text’s start, and G to the end. Finally, typing / followed by some text, then pressing the return key, will search for that text. You can move forwards and backwards between found instances of that text with n and N.

If your job ran correctly to completion, you should find your output just where you would expect to find it if you’d run the Python script interactively.


Putting everything together, most people will work with Python on ARCHER2 as follows:

  1. Set up Python script, get input data in place.
  2. Write job script to run Python script on that data.
  3. Submit script as job to the queue.
  4. Wait for job to complete.
  5. Download output to local system or use as input for a second round of analysis.

Key Points

  • Access to resources on a cluster is often governed by a scheduler like Slurm.

  • Batch systems try to provide fair access to resources to users on the system.

  • A job is run automatically once it is run on available resources.