Data Analysis and Visualisation in Python on ARCHER2

Overview of the ARCHER2 system


Teaching: 30 min
Exercises: 15 min
  • How do I connect to ARCHER2?

  • What hardware and software is available on ARCHER2?

  • How does the hardware fit together?

  • Gain an overview of the technology available on the ARCHER2 service.


ARCHER2 is the UK’s National Supercomputing Service. The machine itself is an HPE Cray EX system consisting of a number of different node types. The ones visible to users are:

All of the node types have the same processors: AMD EPYCTM Zen2 7742, 2.25GHz, 64-cores. All nodes are dual socket nodes so there are 128 cores per node.

ARCHER2's system layout, showing the different node types and file systems.

Connecting using SSH

The login address for the full 23-cabinet ARCHER2 system is

Access to ARCHER2 is via SSH using both a password and a passphrase-protected SSH key pair.

Passwords and password policy

When you first get an ARCHER2 account, you will get a single-use password from the SAFE which you will be asked to change to a password of your choice. Your chosen password must have the required complexity as specified in the ARCHER2 Password Policy.

The password policy has been chosen to allow users to use both complex, shorter passwords and long, but comparatively simple passwords. For example, passwords in the style of both LA10!£lsty and horsebatterystaple would be supported.

Picking a good password

Which of these passwords would be a good, valid choice according to the ARCHER2 Password Policy?

  1. mypassword
  2. rainbowllamajumping
  3. A!94ufskl$?
  4. horsebatterystaple


  1. No This would not be accepted or a good choice as it is too short and is made up of obvious words
  2. Yes This would be a good choice as it is long enough and easy to remember
  3. Yes This would be accepted but may be difficult to remember and type (though you could use a password manager to store it)
  4. No While this meets the criteria, it is a well known example from a popular web comic and so would not be accepted

SSH keys

As well as password access, users are required to add the public part of an SSH key pair to access ARCHER2. The public part of the key pair is associated with your account using the SAFE web interface. See the ARCHER2 User and Best Practice Guide for information on how to create SSH key pairs and associate them with your account:

Data transfer services: scp, rsync, Globus Online

ARCHER2 supports several data transfer mechanisms. The one you choose depends on the amount and structure of the data you want to transfer and where you want to transfer the data to. The two main options are:

If you are using MobaXterm on Windows you will be able to move data using the GUI. Under the hood, this uses the same protocols.

Finally, if you have access to a storage facility with GriFTP enabled, you may also wish to use this to move data quickly to and from ARCHER2.

More information on data transfer mechanisms can be found in the ARCHER2 User and Best Practice Guide:

Compute nodes

There are 5,860 compute nodes in total giving 748,544 compute cores on ARCHER2. There are 5,276 standard compute nodes with 256 GiB memory per node and 584 high memory compute nodes with 512 GiB of memory per node. All of the compute nodes are linked together using the high-performance Cray Slingshot interconnect.

Access to the compute nodes is controlled by the Slurm scheduling system which supports both batch jobs and interactive jobs.

Compute node summary (with comparison to ARCHER):

Processors 2x AMD EPYC Zen2 (Rome) 7742, 2.25 GHz, 64-core 2x Intel E5-2697 v2, 2.7 GHz, 12-core
Cores per node 128 24
NUMA 8 NUMA regions per node, 16 cores per NUMA region 2 NUMA regions per node, 12 cores per NUMA region
Memory Capacity 256/512 GB DDR 3200, 8 memory channels 64/128 GB DDR 1666, 4 memory channels
Memory Bandwidth >380 GB/s per node >119 GB/s per node
Interconnect Bandwidth 25 GB/s per node bi-directional 15 GB/s per node bi-directional


There are four different storage systems available on ARCHER2:


The home file systems are available on the login nodes only and are designed for the storage of critical source code and data for ARCHER2 users. They are backed-up regularly offsite for disaster recovery purposes - restoration of accidentally deleted files is not supported. There is a total of 1 PB usable space available on the home file systems.

All users have their own directory on the home file systems at:


For example, if your username is auser and you are in the project ta104 then your home directory will be at:


Home file system and Home directory

A potential source of confusion is the distinction between the home file system which is the storage system on ARCHER2 used for critical data and your home directory which is a Linux concept of the directory that you are placed into when you first login, that is stored in the $HOME environment variable and that can be accessed with the cd ~ command.

You can view your home file system quota and use through SAFE. Use the Login account menu to select the account you want to see the information for. The account summary page will contain information on your home file system use and any quotas (user or project) that apply to that account. (SAFE home file system use data is updated daily so the information may not quite match the state of the system if a large change has happened recently. Quotas will be completely up to date as they are controlled by SAFE.)


Some large projects may choose to split their resources into multiple subprojects. These subprojects will have identifiers prepended with the main project ID. For example, the rse subgroup of the ta104 project would have the ID ta104-rse. If the main project has allocated storage quotas to the subproject the directories for this storage will be found at, for example:


Your Linux home directory will generally not be changed when you are made a member of a subproject so you must change directories manually (or change the ownership of files) to make use of this different storage quota allocation.


The work file systems, which are available on the login, compute and data analysis nodes, are designed for high performance parallel access and are the primary location that jobs running on the compute nodes will read data from and write data to. They are based on the Lustre parallel file system technology. The work file systems are not backed up in any way. There is a total of 14.5 PB usable space available on the work file systems.

All users have their own directory on the work file systems at:


For example, if your username is auser and you are in the project ta104 then your main home directory will be at:


Jobs can’t see your data?

In this course we’ll be using the data visualisation nodes in the serial partition and these have access to both the home and work file systems. If you are using the compute nodes in the standard partition for parallel work, you will need to remember that everything needed for your job will have to be on work as home is not mounted. If your jobs are having trouble accessing your data, this is the first thing to check.

You can view your work file system use and quota through SAFE in the same way as described for the home file system above. If you want more up to date information, you can query the quotas and use directly on ARCHER2 itself using the lfs quota command. For example, to query your project quota on the work file system you could use:

lfs quota -hg ta104 /work
Disk quotas for group ta104 (gid 1001):
     Filesystem    used   quota   limit   grace   files   quota   limit   grace
           /work  17.24T      0k  21.95T       - 6275076       0 10000000       -

(Remember to replace ta104 with your project code.) The used column shows how much space the whole project is using and the limit column shows how much quota is available for the project. You can show your own user’s use and quota with:

lfs quota -hu auser /work
Disk quotas for user auser (uid 5496):
     Filesystem    used   quota   limit   grace   files   quota   limit   grace
           /work  8.526T      0k      0k       -  764227       0       0       -

A limit of 0k here shows that no user quota is in place (but you are still bound by an overall project quota in this case.)

Solid State

The solid state storage system is available on the compute nodes and is designed for the highest read and write performance to improve performance of workloads that are I/O bound in some way. Access to solid state storage resources is controlled through the Slurm scheduling system. The solid state storage is not backed up in any way. There is a total of 1.1 PB usable space available on the solid state storage system.

Data on the solid state storage is transient so all data you require before a job starts or after a job finishes must be staged on to or off of the solid state storage. We discuss how this works in the Scheduler episode later.


If you had data on the /epsrc or /general file systems on the RDF, you will be able to access this on ARCHER2 via the RDFaaS (RDF as a Service). The directory structure is the same as on the home and work file systems, so an RDF user named auser in the e05 project would find their data on the RDFaaS at


Data on the RDFaaS is only visible on the login nodes, so should be copied to work before use in jobs.

Sharing data with other users

Both the home and work file systems have special directories that allow you to share data with other users. There are directories that allow you to share data only with other users in the same project and directories that allow you to share data with users in other projects.

To share data with users in the same project you use the /work/ta104/ta104/shared directory (remember to replace ta104 with your project ID) and make sure the permissions on the directory are correctly set to allow sharing in the project:

auser@ln01:~> mkdir /work/ta104/ta104/shared/interesting-data
auser@ln01:~> cp -r modelling-output /work/ta104/ta104/shared/interesting-data/
auser@ln01:~> chmod -R g+rX,o-rwx /work/ta104/ta104/shared/interesting-data
auser@ln01:~> ls -l /work/ta104/ta104/shared
total 150372


drwxr-s---  2 auser  z01      4096 Jul 20 12:09 interesting-data


To share data with users in other projects, you use the /work/ta104/shared directory (remember to replace ta104 with your project ID) and make sure the permissions on the directory are correctly set to allow sharing with all other users:

auser@ln01:~> mkdir /work/ta104/shared/more-interesting-data
auser@ln01:~> cp -r more-modelling-output /work/ta104/shared/more-interesting-data/
auser@ln01:~> chmod -R go+rX /work/ta104/shared/more-interesting-data
auser@ln01:~> ls -l /work/ta104/ta104/shared
total 150372


drwxr-sr-x  2 auser  z01      4096 Jul 20 12:09 more-interesting-data


Remember, equivalent sharing directories exist on the home file system that you can use in exactly the same way.

System software

The ARCHER2 system runs the Cray Linux Environment which is based on SUSE Enterprise Linux. The service officially supports the bash shell for interactive access, shell scripting and job submission scripts. The scheduling software is Slurm.

As well as the hardware and system software, HPE Cray supply the Cray Programming Environment which contains:

Compilers GCC, Cray Compilers (CCE), AMD Compilers (AOCC)
Parallel libraries Cray MPI (MPICH2-based), OpenSHMEM, Global Arrays
Scientific and numerical libraries BLAS/LAPACK/BLACS/ScaLAPACK (Cray LibSci, AMD AOCL), FFTW3, HDF5, NetCDF
Debugging and profiling tools gdb4hpc, valgrind4hpc, CrayPAT + others
Optimised Python 3 environment numpy, scipy, mpi4py, dask
Optimised R environment standard packages (including “parallel”)

The largest differences from ARCHER are:

On top of the Cray-provided software, the EPCC ARCHER2 CSE service have installed a wide range of modelling and simulation software, additional scientific and numeric libraries, data analysis tools and other useful software. Some examples of the software installed are:

Research area Software
Materials and molecular modelling CASTEP, ChemShell, CP2K, Elk, LAMMPS, NWChem, ONETEP, Quantum Espresso, VASP
Engineering Code_Saturne, FEniCS, OpenFOAM
Biomolecular modelling GROMACS, NAMD
Earth system modelling MITgcm, Met Office UM, Met Office LFRic, NEMO
Scientific libraries ARPACK, Boost, Eigen, ELPA, GSL, HYPRE, METIS, MUMPS, ParaFEM, ParMETIS, PETSc, Scotch, SLEPC, SUNDIALS, Zoltan
Software tools CDO, CGNS, NCL, NCO, Paraview, PLUMED, PyTorch, Tensorflow, VMD, VTST

Licensed software

For licensed software installed on ARCHER2, users are expected to bring their own licences to the service with them. The ARCHER2 service does not provide software licences for use by users. Access to licensed software is available via three different mechanisms:

  • Access control groups - for software that does not support a licence server
  • Local licence server - for software that requires a licence server running on the ARCHER2 system
  • Remote licence server - to allow software to call out to a publicly-accessible licence server

More information on the software available on ARCHER2 can be found in the ARCHER2 Documentation.

ARCHER2 also supports the use of Singularity containers for single-node and multi-node jobs.

Key Points

  • ARCHER2 consists of high performance login nodes, compute nodes, storage systems and interconnect.

  • There is a wide range of software available on ARCHER2.

  • The system is based on standard Linux with command line access.

Preparing Python for data analysis on ARCHER2


Teaching: 30 min
Exercises: 0 min
  • How do I access Python on ARCHER2?

  • What extra setup do I need to do to use Python for data analysis?

  • Understand how to enable and customise Python on ARCHER2.

  • Add the extra packages we need for data analysis.

Accessing and using the Cray Python installation

When you log in to ARCHER2 in a new SSH session, Python will be available immediately on the command line. However, this is really just a fairly bare-bones installation that the operating system provides, and we would not recommend making use of it.

HPE, the ARCHER2 vendor, provide a separate installation of ‘Cray Python’ which includes Python 3 and several useful numerical and scientific packages. If you’ve used them before, you might think this is like having access to an Anaconda Python installation, which also comes with lots of useful packages. The Cray Python installation is actually a bit different: it includes more packages than Miniconda, but not as many as Anaconda. The most important point to note, though, is that the software bundled into Cray Python has been optimised for the ARCHER2 software and hardware, meaning it is able to use the high performance numerical and communication libraries on the system.

Cray Python is accessible via the modules system. After logging in, run the following command:

auser@ln01:~> module load cray-python

If you choose to start the Python interpreter, you will see that it is indeed a Cray build of Python 3 which runs:

auser@ln01:~> python
Python 3.8.5 (default, Aug 24 2020, 19:11:09)
[GCC 9.3.0 20200312 (Cray Inc.)] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

Once your cursor is flashing at the >>> prompt, remember you can type Ctrl-D or quit() to exit. The version of Python shown above is correct the time of writing, but with software upgrades to ARCHER2 this may change.

Python 2 or 3?

Python 2 is no longer supported on ARCHER2. Once the cray-python module has been loaded, both the python and python3 commands will start Python 3.

At this point you can go ahead and use Python. If you were to use NumPy or mpi4py, you would be using the versions of those packages which have been optimised for ARCHER2. However, we need to take things a bit further, because we specifically want to use pandas, matplotlib and plotnine, which are not installed–so we have to do this ourselves.

What is pip?

Modern Python installations are designed to be flexible, allowing you to add extra packages as you require them. For that reason, several tools are available which make managing packages very simple, automating their download and installation from the Internet, installing any necessary dependencies to use them, upgrading to new versions, and, if necessary, their uninstallation. If you use a Linux distribution with a package manager like apt or pacman, or if you use brew on macOS, this will probably look quite familiar to you. Almost all modern Python distributions come with the ‘pip’ package manager.

Pip is run on the command line with pip. Let’s run the pip list command on ARCHER2 once the cray-python module has been loaded in order to list the packages that are currently installed.

auser@ln01:~> pip list
Package            Version
------------------ -------
atomicwrites       1.3.0
attrs              19.3.0
Cython             0.29.15
dask               2.13.0
fsspec             0.7.4
importlib-metadata 1.5.0
locket             0.2.0
more-itertools     8.2.0
mpi4py             3.0.3
nose               1.3.7
numpy              1.18.2
packaging          20.1
pandas             1.0.5
partd              1.1.0
pip                20.1.1
pluggy             0.13.1
py                 1.8.1
pyparsing          2.4.6
pytest             5.3.5
python-dateutil    2.8.1
pytz               2020.1
scipy              1.4.1
setuptools         47.1.0
setuptools-scm     3.4.3
six                1.14.0
toolz              0.10.0
wcwidth            0.1.8
zipp               2.2.0

There are a few other commands worth remembering. Some of these need an extra bit of flavour to use on ARCHER2, so we’ll look at them in the next section. However, because these are worth bearing in mind, they are:

The packages installed by pip are downloaded from the Python Package Index (PyPI). You can go to the website here to search for more information on packages you might be interested in.

Installing extra packages in user-space

If using pip on your own machine, you can do things like update pip itself. When using it on ARCHER2, you might even see it produce a message letting you know it can be updated. However, any updates to ARCHER2 or the packages provided in the base installation, like numpy and mpi4py, cannot be upgraded in-place as these are what we call ‘central installations’, installations which are available for use by everyone on the system. As such, only users with elevated privileges can modify Cray Python and the packages it includes, and we would only expect them to be updated as part of a new software release from HPE. This makes sense on a multi-user system like ARCHER2; imagine if you were working with it, and then another user upgraded a package and caused your script to break!

Using a newer version of Python

Software releases from HPE come in the form of a new version of the CPE (Cray Programming Environment). These are actually available on the system now, and you can see them if you run

module avail cpe

Among the output you should see that cpe/21.04, cpe/21.09 and cpe/22.04 are available. The first of these is the default CPE version loaded at login, so when you run module load cray-python you are getting the version of Cray Python that was packaged in this release. You can load newer versions of Python by loading the module for a newer CPE release. For example, after running module load cpe/22.04, Python is version 3.9.7.

At this point it might look like the Python installation is, to use a Pythonic term, immutable, but this isn’t entirely the case. The files making up the central installation can’t be changed, but we can add to the installation with up extra packages which will go into our own user directories where we do have sufficient permissions. This is called a user-space installation.

This just needs a small change to the pip install command. To install a package we would now do:

auser@ln01:~> pip install --user <package>

The new --user option tells pip to download and install <package> not into the directories where Python is installed but into our own directories. By default, this means into a directory called .local inside our home directory, i.e. $HOME/.local. Remember that our ARCHER2 project on this course is called ta104, so if your username is auser you would find that that this pip user-space installation would place the new files and directories in /home/ta104/ta104/auser/.local.

This is all good, but there’s a final and critical consideration when using ARCHER2 in this way. As we saw in the previous episode, the home file system, where /home resides, is not mounted on the compute nodes. On the other hand, the high-performance work file system is. That means that if we want to use any custom-installed Python packages when running on the compute nodes, we will need to change the installation location to somewhere on /work instead.

An obvious thing to do is simply to install our custom packages into our own work directories. We can do that with the three commands below, setting the environment variables that pip uses to see where it should install to and also making sure that Python and the shell will be able to find those packages once installed. When doing this, you should of course change auser to your own ARCHER2 username.

auser@ln01:~> export PYTHONUSERBASE=/work/ta104/ta104/auser/.local
auser@ln01:~> export PATH=$PYTHONUSERBASE/bin:$PATH
auser@ln01:~> export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONUSERBASE/lib/python3.8/site-packages:$PYTHONPATH

At this point you can go ahead and use pip install --user <package> to install to the non-default location. In the next section we’ll go through the commands we need to perform the necessary setup.

Setting the environment up again

If you log out and in again after doing this set up, you’ll find that you need to run these three export commands again. Asking pip to install to the non-default location doesn’t automatically carry over between shells. To make things a bit easier, you can open up the .bashrc file in your home directory and add the commands. This script runs in new shells when they start up, including when you log in. If you’re ever unsure of the value of an environment variable or whether it’s been set or not, you can simply print it to screen with echo, for example, echo $PYTHONPATH.

Python virtual environments

What we’ve done here is about the simplest and fastest way to get the extra packages we need installed. If you want to, though, you may be interested in instead using virtual environments to manage different sets of installed packages depending on your requirements. You can read about how to do this in the ARCHER2 documentation.

Adding the extra packages for this course

Finally, let’s put all of the above together and actually install the packages we need to run the exercises from earlier on ARCHER2.

Starting from logging in, so we have a clean environment, we’ll firstly load Cray Python into the environment.

auser@ln01:~> module load cray-python

Then we’ll set the environment variables to install into the work file system, just as above.

auser@ln01:~> export PYTHONUSERBASE=/work/ta104/ta104/auser/.local
auser@ln01:~> export PATH=$PYTHONUSERBASE/bin:$PATH
auser@ln01:~> export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONUSERBASE/lib/python3.8/site-packages:$PYTHONPATH

Finally, we’ll install the necessary packages for the exercises. You can check what’s already been installed with pip list. You’ll see that pandas is already there, but we might need both matplotlib and plotnine, so we’ll install those.

auser@ln01:~> pip install --user matplotlib plotnine

You’ll see pip doing some work as it downloads the packages and probably a good few dependencies from the Internet to install them in your work directory. Once done, pip should inform you that it has successfully installed these two packages and any dependencies.

At this point we’re almost ready to run our exercises on ARCHER2. In the next episode, we’ll look at how to submit a job to the ARCHER2 backend to do so.

Key Points

  • The cray-python module provides an enhanced Python installation on ARCHER2.

  • Many numerical packages are already provided in this installation.

  • Further packages can be added to it using pip.



Teaching: min
Exercises: min

Key Points

Running jobs on the ARCHER2 data analysis nodes


Teaching: 30 min
Exercises: 0 min
  • What is a scheduler?

  • What is a job?

  • How do I run jobs?

  • Write a correct job script.

  • Submit a job to the queue and retrieve the results.

The Slurm batch system

We’ve spoken about the layout of ARCHER2. Its structure is broadly typical for a cluster: there is a frontend, the login nodes, which we connect to via SSH and where we prepare data and work, and then the backend, made up of the compute nodes which will actually do the work. So far though we’ve only interacted with the login nodes.

Access to the backend is governed by a ‘scheduler’. Again, this is typical for a cluster. A scheduler is a piece of software running in the background. Users submit jobs to it, which are requests for resources to be used (typically a number of CPU cores or nodes and perhaps an amount of memory) over a certain period of time, and the scheduler determines when to reserve those resources for that job. This may sound simple, but there can be many hundreds or thousands of jobs either running or waiting to run at any given time, and the scheduler must determine when to run what as fairly as possible for everyone.

Slurm is the name of the scheduler used on ARCHER2. If you’ve used a cluster before, you might be familiar with it or with alternatives like PBS or SGE. They are all used in a similar manner, but the commands used to interact with each of these schedulers differ.

Try running the squeue command now. This will produce a list of all the jobs in the system. It will probably be quite long.

auser@ln01:~> squeue

If you want to see what jobs auser has in the system, you can use

auser@ln01:~> squeue -u auser

You can use this to look at your own jobs, but it can be quicker and easier to run

auser@ln01:~> squeue --me

Of course, we haven’t actually run any jobs yet, so you’ll see an empty list if you check yourself with squeue.

For any jobs listed, you’ll see its ID, its name, the length of time it’s been running and its status. Most jobs will have the status R, meaning ‘running’, or PD, meaning ‘pending’. Running jobs will also list the names of the nodes they’re using, while pending jobs will list the reason they haven’t run yet.

Slurm tries to be fair when determining when the pending jobs should be started. If you’re interested it uses what is called a backfill algorithm, but the gist of it is that it schedules the largest pending jobs first, taking into account how many resources they each need and for how long, and then it starts fitting smaller jobs into the gaps between the big jobs.

You might still be wondering ‘what is a job, though?’ At the highest level, a job is a set of resources, CPU cores and memory, on the backend of the cluster that has been reserved for you and your work. In most cases, users are charged for their jobs from a budget they have access to. Resources on ARCHER2 are in units of ‘CU’ where 1 CU is equal to one node hour. One node is the use of one compute node for one hour, so using two nodes for four hours would cost 8 CU, for example. If a user’s budget runs out, they can no longer run jobs from it. Most jobs do cost CUs to run, though, as we’ll see below, we’ll be using the special data analysis or serial nodes which are free to use.

Job scripts

Resources by themselves don’t do anything. What we call an interactive job allows you, the user, to directly work on the backend in a shell. On ARCHER2, you might for example submit a job asking for four nodes. When the job starts, you would move onto the first node in the job and work directly on it.

Most of the time, though, people will submit job scripts to the scheduler instead. These are simply shell scripts, with some extra syntax at the beginning saying what resources are needed, that go in order through the steps needed to complete the work.

How to write a text file on ARCHER2

You can write text files locally on your own machine and copy it to ARCHER2, but most people will edit them directly on the system using a text editor. emacs, vi/vim and nano are all available. If you aren’t experienced with any of these, nano is quite simple and the fastest to learn.

The job script that we will use in this course looks like the following:


# Slurm job options. Set name and max time.
#SBATCH --job-name=python_job
#SBATCH --time=0:20:0
#SBATCH --ntasks=1

# Run with budget ta104 on the serial nodes.
#SBATCH --partition=serial
#SBATCH --qos=serial
#SBATCH --account=ta104

# Define memory required for this jobs. By default, you would 
# get just under 2 GB, but you can ask for up to 125 GB.
#SBATCH --mem=2G

# Set the number of threads to 1
#   This prevents any threaded system libraries from automatically 
#   using threading.

# Make the Cray Python installation available.
module load cray-python

# Make available user-installed Python packages installed in work.
export PYTHONUSERBASE=${HOME/home/work}/.local
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONUSERBASE/lib/python3.8/site-packages:$PYTHONPATH

# Run through Python.

There’s quite a lot to take in here, so we’ll go through it piece-by-piece.

The first line is a shebang. Just as Python scripts often start with #!/usr/bin/python, #!/usr/bin/env python3 or another similar command that means the script is to be run through the Python interpreter, the shebang in this case says that the script is to be run through bash.

Several more lines beginning with # follow. Some are comments, just there to help us understand what’s happening. Very important though are the lines beginning with #SBATCH. These are Slurm directives which provide information about the resources we would like for this job.

Because these lines begin with the bash comment character #, bash will ignore them. But, as we’ll see, we run the script through a special command which will pick these lines up and use them when entering the job into the scheduler.

So far, everything we’ve seen has been about setting up the job and requesting the resources we would like to use for it. But what about the actual work? We want a Python script to run and do something useful for us. So, after all the #SBATCH lines are some uncommented lines of commands to actually be run via bash on the data analysis node when the job begins. Let’s go over those now.

Firstly, there’s an export command setting the variable OMP_NUM_THREADS to have the value of 1. This isn’t too important for us here, but its purpose is to make sure that anything in the background that might use OpenMP threading for parallelisation restricts itself to one thread only. This makes sense, as we’ve only got one CPU core to use from the ntasks option we set.

Next, we load a module and set some environment variables. These should be familiar to you from the previous lesson: we’re loading Cray Python and making sure that it will be able to see and use the Python packages we installed into our work directory. These commands make an important point: the environment within the job is new and separate from the environment we’re using in our interactive shell session. If there are any steps you need to go through to enable your code to start and run correctly, you should put them into your job script. If we hadn’t run module load cray-python, the system Python installation would be used instead; if we hadn’t set these three environment variables, Python would have no idea where to find matplotlib or plotnine.

At this point there is only one thing left to do, and that’s to run the Python script itself, so we start Python and tell it to run

Running and controlling a job

The next step is to actually run a job. Let’s take our imaginary job script above and save it in a file somewhere in our work directories. Its name doesn’t really matter: the most important thing is that it makes sense to you. One choice that can help you is to give the files a .slurm extension, so you can at least pick out which files are job scripts. From there you might choose to use run.slurm, submit.slurm, or perhaps you would like to include some information about the particular job in the name – for example, submit-T100.slurm, submit-T200.slurm and so on if the different jobs vary some parameter T.

With the script saved to file, you can submit the job to the queue by running the sbatch command as follows:

auser@ln01:/work/ta104/ta104/auser/jobdir> sbatch submit.slurm
Submitted batch job 3327070

Problems submitting the job

If Slurm thinks that some of the #SBATCH options you set in your script don’t make sense, it might refuse to accept your job and give an error message. Check with the instructor or one of the helpers for assistance, providing the error you receive and your full job script so they can help you fix the problem.

Once your job has been submitted, you can check the status of your job in the queue:

auser@ln01:/work/ta104/ta104/auser/jobdir> squeue --me
           3327087    serial  python-job   auser  R       0:01      1 dvn01

In the output above, the job has the R status, as it started running almost straight away. If the queue’s a bit busier when you submit, you might see it pending with the PD status. In this case it might take a while for the job to start running, but as long as you kept the time option in your script to only a few tens of minutes or less it shouldn’t be long.

Sometimes you realise that you’ve made a mistake in your script, or perhaps you don’t need a job to run any more for some other reason. This could be while it’s running or while it’s still pending. In either case, you can cancel it with the scancel command, giving the ID of the job you want to cancel:

auser@ln01:/work/ta104/ta104/auser/jobdir> scancel 3327087

The only people who can cancel your jobs are you yourself and the system administrators, and the latter only in extremely unusual circumstances. If there were a need to cancel your jobs, in almost all cases the ARCHER2 service desk would contact you directly and ask if you are able to do so.

Any output to STDOUT and STDERR – that is, output and error messages that would normally appear in your terminal if you ran the script in an interactive session – will instead be written to a file called slurm-<jobid>.out. In the example job submission here, that means you would expect to find a file called slurm-3327087.out in the same directory as the job script. You can check this file while the job is running to make sure that it’s working as you can expect, and after the job has run it can help you determine whether it ended as you expected it should.

cat will dump the entire contents of a text file to the terminal’s output:

auser@ln01:/work/ta104/ta104/auser/jobdir> cat slurm-3327087.out

less allows you to scroll and search through a file:

auser@ln01:/work/ta104/ta104/auser/jobdir> less slurm-3327087.out

While a set of text is open with less, press q to quit back to the prompt. The up and down arrow keys move you line by line through the text. u and d will move you up and down a half-page at a time. g returns to the text’s start, and G to the end. Finally, typing / followed by some text, then pressing the return key, will search for that text. You can move forwards and backwards between found instances of that text with n and N.

If your job ran correctly to completion, you should find your output just where you would expect to find it if you’d run the Python script interactively.


Putting everything together, most people will work with Python on ARCHER2 as follows:

  1. Set up Python script, get input data in place.
  2. Write job script to run Python script on that data.
  3. Submit script as job to the queue.
  4. Wait for job to complete.
  5. Download output to local system or use as input for a second round of analysis.

Key Points

  • Access to resources on a cluster is often governed by a scheduler like Slurm.

  • Batch systems try to provide fair access to resources to users on the system.

  • A job is run automatically once it is run on available resources.

What now?


Teaching: 5 min
Exercises: 160 min
  • Can I manage to use ARCHER2 to run one of the exercises?

  • Run an exercise or Python script of your own on ARCHER2.

Now you know enough about ARCHER2 to explore how to use it for your work or to understand what its potential benefits are you. You may also have ideas around where the barriers and difficulties may lie and have further questions on how you can start using and/or trying ARCHER2 for your work.

This session is designed to give you the opportunity to explore these questions and issues. We recommend that you try to run one of the exercises from the first part of the course on ARCHER2, or possibly even try to use a data analysis script of your own on the system.

The instructors and helpers on the course will be on hand to help and to answer any questions you might have.

Outside this course, you can always seek help on using ARCHER2 by getting in touch with the service desk at

Running an exercise on ARCHER2

At this point you should be able to log in to ARCHER2, install up your custom Python packages, and run jobs.

Remember that you will need to use a job script similar to the one we looked at in the previous lesson. Feel free to copy that script and save it into a directory you create in your ARCHER2 work directories, along with a Python script to do some useful work and any input data required. Make any changes you feel are necessary to that job script before submitting it to Slurm with sbatch. Keep track of it in the scheduler using squeue and by checking the slurm-<jobid>.out file, and if necessary cancel it with scancel.

Once a job has completed successfully, you can transfer any output to your machine using a tool like scp or rsync. If you are connecting with MobaXterm from Windows, you should be able to use the client’s built-in SFTP file transfer using the pane on the left hand side of the GUI.

If you’d prefer to check text output on ARCHER2 itself, remember that you can use the command line tools cat or more or less, or else open the files directly with an editor like vim. If you log in to ARCHER2 with X11 forwarding enabled (using either the -X or -Y options to ssh, or enabling it as an option in MobaXterm), you can also use ImageMagick’s display tool to view images after you’ve loaded the module:

auser@ln01:~> module load imagemagick
auser@ln01:~> display image.jpg

Bear in mind that none of ARCHER2’s file systems are intended for long term storage of data and you should consider anything kept in /work as being at risk. To keep any data you generate safe, you should transfer it off-site and keep backups.

With everything now covered, you can try using this time to try logging in to the ARCHER2 supercomputer, setting up Python, and running a job!

Key Points

  • Perform large tasks on ARCHER2 by running jobs on the back end.

  • Any files you generate should be transferred to your own local storage and backed up.