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Cirrus scheduler: Slurm


Teaching: 20 min
Exercises: 10 min
  • How do I write job submission scripts?

  • How do I control jobs?

  • How do I find out what resources are available?

  • Understand the use of the basic Slurm commands.

  • Know what components make up and Cirrus scheduler.

  • Know where to look for further help on the scheduler.

Cirrus uses the Slurm job submission system, or scheduler, to manage resources and how they are made available to users. The main commands you will use with Slurm on Cirrus are:

Full documentation on Slurm on Cirrus can be found in the Running Jobs on Cirrus section of the Cirrus documentations.

Finding out what resources are available: sinfo

The sinfo command shows the current state of the compute nodes known to the scheduler:

auser@cirrus-login2:~> sinfo
standard     up   infinite      1  drain r1i1n9
standard     up   infinite     19   resv r1i0n[23-26,29,35],r1i2n[10-11,15-16],r1i5n[22-24,27-29],r2i1n[19-20,35]
standard     up   infinite     51    mix r1i0n[8-9,19-20,33],r1i1n[12,26-27],r1i3n[1,7,28],r1i4n[16,27,31,35],r1i5n[0,2,9,18,25,31,33],r1i6n[0,24,31],r1i7n[3,14-15,20,31,33],r2i0n[5-6,14,19,28],r2i1n[14,22,25,27-29,32],r2i2n[0,2,10-11,18-19,27-28]
standard     up   infinite    295  alloc r1i0n[0-7,10-16,18,21-22,27-28,30-32,34],r1i1n[0-8,10-11,13-25,28-35],r1i2n[0-9,12-14,17-35],r1i3n[0,2-6,8-27,29-35],r1i4n[0-15,17-26,28-30,32-34],r1i5n[1,3-8,10-17,19-21,26,30,32,34-35],r1i6n[1-23,25-30,32-35],r1i7n[0-1,4-6,9-13,18-19,21-24,27-30,32],r2i0n[0-4,7-13,15-18,20-27,29-35],r2i1n[0-13,15-18,21,23-24,26,30-31,33-34],r2i2n[1,3,9,12,20-21,29-30]
standard     up   infinite      1   idle r1i7n2
standard     up   infinite      1   down r1i0n17
highmem      up   infinite      1  drain highmem01
gpu          up   infinite      2    mix r2i3n0,r2i5n0
gpu          up   infinite      1   resv r2i3n1
gpu          up   infinite     35  alloc r2i4n[0-8],r2i5n[1-8],r2i6n[0-8],r2i7n[0-8]
tds          up   infinite      1    mix r1i4n35
tds          up   infinite      3  alloc r1i4n[8,17,26]
gpu-tds      up   infinite      2  alloc r2i7n[7-8]

There is a row for each node state and partition combination. The default output shows the following columns:

The nodes can be in many different states, the most common you will see are:

If you prefer to see the state of individual nodes, you can use the sinfo -N -l command.

Lots to look at!

Warning! The sinfo -N -l command will produce a lot of output as there are 5860 individual nodes on the current Cirrus system!

auser@cirrus-login2:~> sinfo -N -l
Mon Nov 29 19:02:37 2021
Tue Jun 25 13:34:59 2024
highmem01      1   highmem     drained 112    4:28:2 309556        0      1   (null) PGC Not in service
r1i0n0         1  standard   allocated 36     2:18:2 257400        0      1   (null) none
r1i0n1         1  standard   allocated 36     2:18:2 257400        0      1   (null) none
r1i0n2         1  standard   allocated 36     2:18:2 257400        0      1   (null) none
r1i0n3         1  standard   allocated 36     2:18:2 257400        0      1   (null) none
r1i0n4         1  standard   allocated 36     2:18:2 257400        0      1   (null) none
r1i0n5         1  standard   allocated 36     2:18:2 257400        0      1   (null) none
r1i0n6         1  standard   allocated 36     2:18:2 257400        0      1   (null) none
...lots of output trimmed...

Explore a compute node

Let’s look at the resources available on the compute nodes where your jobs will actually run. Try running this command to see the name, CPUs and memory available on the worker nodes (the instructors will give you the ID of the compute node to use):

[auser@cirrus-login2:~> sinfo -n r1i0n0 -o "%n %c %m"

This should display the resources available for a standard node. Are they what you expect given what we learnt earlier about the configuration of a compute node?


The output should show:

r1i0n0 36 257400

You may notice that the amount of memory available does not match the full capacity of the node. Slurm outputs memory in GBs. Each node has 256 GiB of memory (which is ~274.8 GB). The node has less available memory than this because some memory is used up with the OS and system processes.

Using batch job submission scripts

Header section: #SBATCH

As for most other scheduler systems, job submission scripts in Slurm consist of a header section with the shell specification and options to the submission command (sbatch in this case) followed by the body of the script that actually runs the commands you want. In the header section, options to sbatch should be prepended with #SBATCH.

Here is a simple example script that runs the xthi program (which shows process and thread placement) across two nodes.

#SBATCH --job-name=my_mpi_job
#SBATCH --nodes=2
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=36
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1
#SBATCH --time=0:10:0
#SBATCH --account=ic084
#SBATCH --partition=standard
#SBATCH --qos=short
#SBATCH --exclusive

# Now load the "xthi" package
module load mpt
export PATH=$PATH:/work/z04/shared/jsindt/xthi/src


# srun to launch the executable
srun --hint=nomultithread --distribution=block:block xthi_mpi_mp

The options shown here are:

Partitions and QoS

There are a small number of different partitions on Cirrus (covering different node types) and a wider variety of QoS (covering different use cases). You can find a list of the available partitions and QoS in the Cirrus User Guide.

We will discuss the srun command further below.

Submitting jobs using sbatch

You use the sbatch command to submit job submission scripts to the scheduler. For example, if the above script was saved in a file called test_job.slurm, you would submit it with:

auser@cirrus-login2:~> sbatch test_job.slurm
Submitted batch job 23996

Slurm reports back with the job ID for the job you have submitted

Checking progress of your job with squeue

You use the squeue command to show the current state of the queues on Cirrus. Without any options, it will show all jobs in the queue:

auser@cirrus-login2:~> squeue

5757684       gpu QML-CuTe jamesp-i PD       0:00      8 (Priority)
5757683       gpu QML-CuTe jamesp-i PD       0:00      8 (Priority)
5757682       gpu QML-CuTe jamesp-i PD       0:00      8 (Resources)
5761481       gpu     mdm2 akalpoka PD       0:00      1 (Priority)
5761480       gpu     mdm2 akalpoka PD       0:00      1 (Priority)
5761476       gpu     mdm2 akalpoka PD       0:00      1 (Priority)
5761477       gpu     mdm2 akalpoka PD       0:00      1 (Priority)
5761478       gpu     mdm2 akalpoka PD       0:00      1 (Priority)
5761479       gpu     mdm2 akalpoka PD       0:00      1 (Priority)
5761475       gpu     mdm2 akalpoka PD       0:00      1 (Priority)
5761471       gpu     mdm2 akalpoka PD       0:00      1 (Priority)
5761472       gpu     mdm2 akalpoka PD       0:00      1 (Priority)
5761473       gpu     mdm2 akalpoka PD       0:00      1 (Priority)
5761474       gpu     mdm2 akalpoka PD       0:00      1 (Priority)

You can show just your jobs with squeue --me.

Cancelling jobs with scancel

You can use the scancel command to cancel jobs that are queued or running. When used on running jobs it stops them immediately. You need to supply options to scancel to specify which jobs to kill. To kill a particular job you supply the job ID, e.g. to kill the job with ID 12345:

scancel 12345

To kill all your queued jobs (but not running ones):

scancel --user=$USER --state=PENDING

Running parallel applications using srun

Once past the header section your script consists of standard shell commands required to run your job. These can be simple or complex depending on how you run your jobs but even the simplest job script usually contains commands to:

After this you will usually launch your parallel program using the srun command. At its simplest, srun only needs 2 arguments to specify the correct binding of processes to cores (it will use the values supplied to sbatch to work out how many parallel processes to launch). In the example above, our srun command simply looks like:

srun --hint=nomultithread --distribution=block:block xthi


STDOUT and STDERR from jobs are, by default, written to a file called slurm-<jobid>.out in the working directory for the job (unless the job script changes this, this will be the directory where you submitted the job). So for a job with ID 12345 STDOUT and STDERR would be in slurm-12345.out.

If you run into issues with your jobs, the Service Desk will often ask you to send your job submission script and the contents of this file to help debug the issue.

If you need to change the location of STDOUT and STDERR you can use the --output=<filename> and the --error=<filename> options to sbatch to split the streams and output to the named locations.

Is the output what you expect?

Locate and examine the STDOUT from the job you ran above. Does it indicate that each MPI process is bound to a different physical core as expected?


The output should look something like the below showing that each of the 72 MPI processes is bound to a separate physical core.

Node summary for    2 nodes:
Node    0, hostname r1i0n23, mpi  36, omp   1, executable xthi_mpi_mp
Node    1, hostname r1i0n24, mpi  36, omp   1, executable xthi_mpi_mp
MPI summary: 72 ranks
Node    0, rank    0, thread   0, (affinity =    0)
Node    0, rank    1, thread   0, (affinity =    1)
Node    0, rank    2, thread   0, (affinity =    2)
Node    0, rank    3, thread   0, (affinity =    3)
Node    0, rank    4, thread   0, (affinity =    4)
Node    0, rank    5, thread   0, (affinity =    5)
Node    0, rank    6, thread   0, (affinity =    6)
Node    0, rank    7, thread   0, (affinity =    7)
Node    0, rank    8, thread   0, (affinity =    8)
Node    0, rank    9, thread   0, (affinity =    9)
Node    0, rank   10, thread   0, (affinity =   10)
Node    0, rank   11, thread   0, (affinity =   11)
Node    0, rank   12, thread   0, (affinity =   12)
Node    0, rank   13, thread   0, (affinity =   13)
Node    0, rank   14, thread   0, (affinity =   14)
Node    0, rank   15, thread   0, (affinity =   15)
Node    0, rank   16, thread   0, (affinity =   16)
Node    0, rank   17, thread   0, (affinity =   17)
Node    0, rank   18, thread   0, (affinity =   18)
Node    0, rank   19, thread   0, (affinity =   19)
Node    0, rank   20, thread   0, (affinity =   20)
Node    0, rank   21, thread   0, (affinity =   21)
Node    0, rank   22, thread   0, (affinity =   22)
Node    0, rank   23, thread   0, (affinity =   23)
Node    0, rank   24, thread   0, (affinity =   24)
Node    0, rank   25, thread   0, (affinity =   25)
Node    0, rank   26, thread   0, (affinity =   26)
Node    0, rank   27, thread   0, (affinity =   27)
Node    0, rank   28, thread   0, (affinity =   28)
Node    0, rank   29, thread   0, (affinity =   29)
Node    0, rank   30, thread   0, (affinity =   30)
Node    0, rank   31, thread   0, (affinity =   31)
Node    0, rank   32, thread   0, (affinity =   32)
Node    0, rank   33, thread   0, (affinity =   33)
Node    0, rank   34, thread   0, (affinity =   34)
Node    0, rank   35, thread   0, (affinity =   35)
Node    1, rank   36, thread   0, (affinity =    0)
Node    1, rank   37, thread   0, (affinity =    1)
Node    1, rank   38, thread   0, (affinity =    2)
Node    1, rank   39, thread   0, (affinity =    3)
Node    1, rank   40, thread   0, (affinity =    4)
Node    1, rank   41, thread   0, (affinity =    5)
Node    1, rank   42, thread   0, (affinity =    6)
Node    1, rank   43, thread   0, (affinity =    7)
Node    1, rank   44, thread   0, (affinity =    8)
Node    1, rank   45, thread   0, (affinity =    9)
Node    1, rank   46, thread   0, (affinity =   10)
Node    1, rank   47, thread   0, (affinity =   11)
Node    1, rank   48, thread   0, (affinity =   12)
Node    1, rank   49, thread   0, (affinity =   13)
Node    1, rank   50, thread   0, (affinity =   14)
Node    1, rank   51, thread   0, (affinity =   15)
Node    1, rank   52, thread   0, (affinity =   16)
Node    1, rank   53, thread   0, (affinity =   17)
Node    1, rank   54, thread   0, (affinity =   18)
Node    1, rank   55, thread   0, (affinity =   19)
Node    1, rank   56, thread   0, (affinity =   20)
Node    1, rank   57, thread   0, (affinity =   21)
Node    1, rank   58, thread   0, (affinity =   22)
Node    1, rank   59, thread   0, (affinity =   23)
Node    1, rank   60, thread   0, (affinity =   24)
Node    1, rank   61, thread   0, (affinity =   25)
Node    1, rank   62, thread   0, (affinity =   26)
Node    1, rank   63, thread   0, (affinity =   27)
Node    1, rank   64, thread   0, (affinity =   28)
Node    1, rank   65, thread   0, (affinity =   29)
Node    1, rank   66, thread   0, (affinity =   30)
Node    1, rank   67, thread   0, (affinity =   31)
Node    1, rank   68, thread   0, (affinity =   32)
Node    1, rank   69, thread   0, (affinity =   33)
Node    1, rank   70, thread   0, (affinity =   34)
Node    1, rank   71, thread   0, (affinity =   35)

Submitting jobs to GPU nodes

To run a GPU job, a SLURM submission must:

Unlike the CPU compute nodes, you should not use the --exclusive flag when running on the GPU partition. If you keep this flag, you will reserve all resources on the node but only be able to access the number defined in --gres=gpu:N. Additionally, you should not set the --tasks-per-node or --cpus-per-task flags Slurm is set up to automatically provide 10 CPU cores per GPU requested – these will be available as 10 threads to a single process.

Changing process and thread counts on GPU nodes

The script below will run a job on the GPU short queue. Unlike jobs run on CPU nodes, there is no #SBATCH --tasks-per-node=## or #SBATCH --cpus-per-task=## command in the preamble of the Slurm submission submission script. Instead, these commands have been added to the srun command.

What happens if you change the --tasks-per-node and --cpus-per-task flags in the srun command? How does this change as you change the number of GPUS requested with the --gres=gpu:## command? Remember that the product of (tasks per node and cpus per task) must not exceed 10X the number of GPUs you’ve requested.

#SBATCH --job-name=my_mpi_job
#SBATCH --time=0:10:0
#SBATCH --account=ic084
#SBATCH --partition=gpu
#SBATCH --qos=short
#SBATCH --gres=gpu:1

# Now load the "xthi" package
module load mpt
export PATH=$PATH:/work/z04/shared/jsindt/xthi/src

# srun to launch the executable
srun --tasks-per-node=1 --cpus-per-task=10 \
     --hint=nomultithread --distribution=block:block xthi_mpi_mp


Changing the --tasks-per-node command has no effect – the job will always run on a single MPI process per GPU. Changing --cpus-per-task will change the number of threads available for the calculation.

Using reservations

The organisers of this course have reserved GPU nodes specifically for this course. To run on the GPU reservation, you will need to use the following Slurm variables:

#SBATCH --job-name=my_mpi_job
#SBATCH --time=0:10:0
#SBATCH --account=ic084
#SBATCH --partition=gpu
#SBATCH --qos=reservation
#SBATCH --reservation=<reservation_id>

# Instructions to be run by Slurm

You will need to replace <reservation_id> with the appropriate ID:

Reservation date and time Reservation ID
13:30-16:00 on 8th July ic084_1263984
09:00-19:00 on 9th July ic084_1263955
09:00-19:00 on 10th July ic084_1264032
08:30-19:00 on 11th July ic084_1263958
09:00-16:00 on 12th July ic084_1263951

Interactive jobs: direct srun

Similar to the batch jobs covered above, users can also run interactive jobs using the srun command directly. srun used in this way takes the same arguments as sbatch but, obviously, these are specified on the command line rather than in a job submission script. As for srun within a batch job, you should also provide the name of the executable you want to run.

For example, to execute xthi across all cores on two nodes (1 MPI process per core and no OpenMP threading) within an interactive job you would issue the following commands:

auser@cirrus-login2:~> export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1
auser@cirrus-login2:~> module load mpt
auser@cirrus-login2:~> export PATH=$PATH:/work/z04/shared/jsindt/xthi/src
auser@cirrus-login2:~> srun --partition=standard --qos=short --nodes=2 --ntasks-per-node=36 --cpus-per-task=1 --time=0:10:0 --account=ic084 --exclusive xthi_mpi_mp
Node summary for    2 nodes:
Node    0, hostname r1i0n23, mpi  36, omp   1, executable xthi_mpi_mp
Node    1, hostname r1i0n24, mpi  36, omp   1, executable xthi_mpi_mp
MPI summary: 72 ranks
Node    0, rank    0, thread   0, (affinity = 0,36)
Node    0, rank    1, thread   0, (affinity = 18,54)
Node    0, rank    2, thread   0, (affinity = 1,37)
Node    0, rank    3, thread   0, (affinity = 19,55)
Node    0, rank    4, thread   0, (affinity = 2,38)
Node    0, rank    5, thread   0, (affinity = 20,56)
Node    0, rank    6, thread   0, (affinity = 3,39)
Node    0, rank    7, thread   0, (affinity = 21,57)
Node    0, rank    8, thread   0, (affinity = 4,40)
Node    0, rank    9, thread   0, (affinity = 22,58)
Node    0, rank   10, thread   0, (affinity = 5,41)
Node    0, rank   11, thread   0, (affinity = 23,59)
Node    0, rank   12, thread   0, (affinity = 6,42)
Node    0, rank   13, thread   0, (affinity = 24,60)
...long output trimmed...

Interactive jobs can also be used to open interactive sessions from the compute nodes. the following command allows you to login to a compute node and run work from there:

auser@cirrus-login2:~> srun --exclusive --nodes=1 --time=00:20:00 --account=ic084 --pty /usr/bin/bash --login
auser@r1i0n14a: ->

Other useful information

In this section we briefly introduce other scheduler topics that may be useful to users. We provide links to more information on these areas for people who may want to explore these areas more.

Hybrid MPI and OpenMP jobs

When running hybrid MPI (with multiple processes) and OpenMP (with multiple threads) jobs you need to leave free cores between the parallel processes launched using srun for the multiple OpenMP threads that will be associated with each MPI process.

As we saw above, you can use the options to sbatch to control how many parallel processes are placed on each compute node and the --cpus-per-task option to set the stride between parallel processes. The --cpus-per-task option is also used to accommodate the OpenMP threads that are launched for each MPI process - the value for --cpus-per-task should usually be the same as that for OMP_NUM_THREADS. To ensure you get the correct thread pinning, you also need to specify an additional OpenMP environment variable. Specifically:

As an example, consider the job script below that runs across 4 nodes with 8 MPI processes per node and 16 OpenMP threads per MPI process (so all 128 physical cores on 4 nodes are used, 512 physical cores in total).

#SBATCH --job-name=my_mpi_job
#SBATCH --nodes=2
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=9
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=4
#SBATCH --time=0:10:0
#SBATCH --account=ic084
#SBATCH --partition=standard
#SBATCH --qos=short
#SBATCH --exclusive

# Now load the "xthi" package
module load mpt
export PATH=$PATH:/work/z04/shared/jsindt/xthi/src


# srun to launch the executable
srun --hint=nomultithread --distribution=block:block xthi_mpi_mp

If you submit this job script, you should see output that looks like:

Node summary for    2 nodes:
Node    0, hostname r1i0n23, mpi   9, omp   4, executable xthi_mpi_mp
Node    1, hostname r1i0n24, mpi   9, omp   4, executable xthi_mpi_mp
MPI summary: 18 ranks
Node    0, rank    0, thread   0, (affinity =  0-3)
Node    0, rank    0, thread   1, (affinity =  0-3)
Node    0, rank    0, thread   2, (affinity =  0-3)
Node    0, rank    0, thread   3, (affinity =  0-3)
Node    0, rank    1, thread   0, (affinity =  4-7)
Node    0, rank    1, thread   1, (affinity =  4-7)
Node    0, rank    1, thread   2, (affinity =  4-7)
Node    0, rank    1, thread   3, (affinity =  4-7)
Node    0, rank    2, thread   0, (affinity = 8-11)
Node    0, rank    2, thread   1, (affinity = 8-11)
Node    0, rank    2, thread   2, (affinity = 8-11)
Node    0, rank    2, thread   3, (affinity = 8-11)
Node    0, rank    3, thread   0, (affinity = 12-15)
Node    0, rank    3, thread   1, (affinity = 12-15)
Node    0, rank    3, thread   2, (affinity = 12-15)
Node    0, rank    3, thread   3, (affinity = 12-15)
Node    0, rank    4, thread   0, (affinity = 16-19)
Node    0, rank    4, thread   1, (affinity = 16-19)
Node    0, rank    4, thread   2, (affinity = 16-19)
Node    0, rank    4, thread   3, (affinity = 16-19)
Node    0, rank    5, thread   0, (affinity = 20-23)
Node    0, rank    5, thread   1, (affinity = 20-23)
Node    0, rank    5, thread   2, (affinity = 20-23)
Node    0, rank    5, thread   3, (affinity = 20-23)
Node    0, rank    6, thread   0, (affinity = 24-27)
Node    0, rank    6, thread   1, (affinity = 24-27)
Node    0, rank    6, thread   2, (affinity = 24-27)
Node    0, rank    6, thread   3, (affinity = 24-27)
Node    0, rank    7, thread   0, (affinity = 28-31)
Node    0, rank    7, thread   1, (affinity = 28-31)
Node    0, rank    7, thread   2, (affinity = 28-31)
Node    0, rank    7, thread   3, (affinity = 28-31)
Node    0, rank    8, thread   0, (affinity = 32-35)
Node    0, rank    8, thread   1, (affinity = 32-35)
Node    0, rank    8, thread   2, (affinity = 32-35)
Node    0, rank    8, thread   3, (affinity = 32-35)
Node    1, rank    9, thread   0, (affinity =  0-3)
Node    1, rank    9, thread   1, (affinity =  0-3)
Node    1, rank    9, thread   2, (affinity =  0-3)
Node    1, rank    9, thread   3, (affinity =  0-3)
Node    1, rank   10, thread   0, (affinity =  4-7)
Node    1, rank   10, thread   1, (affinity =  4-7)
Node    1, rank   10, thread   2, (affinity =  4-7)
Node    1, rank   10, thread   3, (affinity =  4-7)
Node    1, rank   11, thread   0, (affinity = 8-11)
Node    1, rank   11, thread   1, (affinity = 8-11)
Node    1, rank   11, thread   2, (affinity = 8-11)
Node    1, rank   11, thread   3, (affinity = 8-11)
Node    1, rank   12, thread   0, (affinity = 12-15)
Node    1, rank   12, thread   1, (affinity = 12-15)
Node    1, rank   12, thread   2, (affinity = 12-15)
Node    1, rank   12, thread   3, (affinity = 12-15)
Node    1, rank   13, thread   0, (affinity = 16-19)
Node    1, rank   13, thread   1, (affinity = 16-19)
Node    1, rank   13, thread   2, (affinity = 16-19)
Node    1, rank   13, thread   3, (affinity = 16-19)
Node    1, rank   14, thread   0, (affinity = 20-23)
Node    1, rank   14, thread   1, (affinity = 20-23)
Node    1, rank   14, thread   2, (affinity = 20-23)
Node    1, rank   14, thread   3, (affinity = 20-23)
Node    1, rank   15, thread   0, (affinity = 24-27)
Node    1, rank   15, thread   1, (affinity = 24-27)
Node    1, rank   15, thread   2, (affinity = 24-27)
Node    1, rank   15, thread   3, (affinity = 24-27)
Node    1, rank   16, thread   0, (affinity = 28-31)
Node    1, rank   16, thread   1, (affinity = 28-31)
Node    1, rank   16, thread   2, (affinity = 28-31)
Node    1, rank   16, thread   3, (affinity = 28-31)
Node    1, rank   17, thread   0, (affinity = 32-35)
Node    1, rank   17, thread   1, (affinity = 32-35)
Node    1, rank   17, thread   2, (affinity = 32-35)
Node    1, rank   17, thread   3, (affinity = 32-35)

Each Cirrus compute node is made up of 2 NUMA (Non Uniform Memory Access) regions (1 per socket) with 18 cores in each region. Programs where the threads of a process span multiple NUMA regions are likely to be much less efficient so we recommend using thread counts that fit well into the Cirrus compute node layout. Effectively, this means one of the following options for hybrid jobs on nodes where all cores are used:

Key Points

  • Cirrus uses the Slurm scheduler.

  • srun is used to launch parallel executables in batch job submission scripts.

  • There are a number of different partitions (queues) available.