Performance: getting the best bang for your (computational) buck


Teaching: 15 min
Exercises: 50 min
  • How does our system perform as we scale up the number of cores on which we run?

  • How do we run hybrid MPI and OpenMP jobs on ARCHER2?

  • Does adding OpenMP to MPI GROMACS affect performance?

  • Does simultaneous multithreading (SMT) improve GROMACS performance on ARCHER2?

  • How does load balancing affect GROMACS performance?

  • Gain a basic understanding of key aspects of running molecular dynamics simulations in parallel.

  • Run a hybrid MPI with OpenMP simuation on ARCHER2.

  • See how GROMACS performance is changed by including OpenMP.

  • Understand how to use simultaneous multithreading (SMT) on ARCHER2.

  • Learn how to disable GROMACS dynamic load-balancing and appreciate the effect load balancing can have on performance.


In this series of exercises, you will be running molecular dynamics simulations of the 5PEP protein. You can either use the GROMACS topology and portable binary files that you generated earlier in this session or use some pre-generated files (that should be equivalent to what you’ve already prepared.

In the first of these exercises, you will be benchmarking how efficiently a small system will run using pure MPI as you increase the number of processors on which it runs.

In the second exercise, you will explore how using hybrid MPI+OpenMPI methods can improve the runtime for this system.

The third exercise will have you studying the effects of multithreading.

Finally, in the 4th exercise, you will look at how dynamic load balancing can further reduce your simulation runtime.

Exercise 1: MPI-only runs on ARCHER2

Before starting, you will need to get a copy of the exercises by running:

  svn checkout

Once the file is downloaded, go into the /exercises/performance directory. This directory contains:

Below is a copy of the Slurm submission script that will run on a single node, using a single processor.


#SBATCH --job-name=GMX_test
#SBATCH --account=ta059
#SBATCH --partition=standard
#SBATCH --qos=short
#SBATCH --time=0:10:0

#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --tasks-per-node=1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1

#SBATCH --distribution=block:block
#SBATCH --hint=nomultithread

module load gromacs


srun -n 1 \
  gmx_mpi mdrun -ntomp ${SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK} -nsteps 10000 -s npt.tpr

Run this script to make sure that it works – how quickly does the job complete? You can see the walltime and performance of your code by running tail md.log. The GROMACS -nsteps 10000 flag should ensue that this simulation performs 10,000 steps (instead of the 500,000 steps defined in the .mdp file). Each step will simulate 1 ps of “real-life” time. The “Walltime” tells you how quickly the job ran on ARCHER2, and the “Performance” data will let you know how many nanoseconds you can run in a day, and how many hours it will take to run a nanosecond of simulation.

How do the “Walltime” and “Performance” data change as you increase the number of cores being used? You can vary this by changing #SBATCH --tasks-per-node=1 to a higher number. Try filling out the table below:

Number of cores Walltime Performance (ns/day) Performance (hours/ns)


Jobs run on more than one node will need to be run with constant #SBATCH --tasks-per-node=128 but varying #SBATCH --nodes=1

Exercise 2: Hybrid MPI and OpenMP jobs on ARCHER2

MPI and OpenMP are two different methods of programming parallel codes. MPI will allow you to parallelise your code across a distributed memory machine where each core is assumed to have its own memory that is not visible to any other core – each core will have its own copy of every variable and passing information that should be shared from one core to another will require inter-core communication. OpenMP will allow you to parallelise your cores on shared-memory machines where each core has access to all of the data visible to any other core. Each has its advantages and disadvantages.

You can run GROMACS using a hybrid of MPI+OpenMP. Practically, this is done by splitting your job into a number of MPI ranks, each of which has a number of OpenMP threads assigned to it. If this is done correctly, you should get the benefits from having used both methods which will result in a noticeable speed-up.

When running hybrid MPI + OpenMP (with multiple threads) jobs you need to leave free cores between the parallel tasks launched using srun for the multiple OpenMP threads that will be associated with each MPI task.

You can use the options to sbatch to control how many parallel tasks are placed on each compute node and can use the --cpus-per-task option to set the stride between parallel tasks to the right value to accommodate the OpenMP threads. The value of --cpus-per-task should usually be the same as that for OMP_NUM_THREADS.

As an example, consider the job script below that runs across 2 nodes with 8 MPI tasks per node and 16 OpenMP threads per MPI task (so all 256 cores are used).


#SBATCH --partition=standard
#SBATCH --qos=short
#SBATCH --reservation=shortqos
#SBATCH --account=ta059
#SBATCH --time=00:10:00

#SBATCH --nodes=2
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=8
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=16

#SBATCH --hint=nomultithread
#SBATCH --distribution=block:block

module load gromacs


srun gmx_mpi mdrun -ntomp ${SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK} -nsteps 10000 -s npt.tpr

Each ARCHER2 compute node is made up of 8 NUMA (Non Uniform Memory Access) regions (4 per socket) with 16 cores in each region. Programs where the threads span multiple NUMA regions are likely to be less efficient so we recommend using thread counts that fit well into the ARCHER2 compute node layout. Effectively, this means one of the following options for nodes where all cores are used:


For this exercise, you will start by comparing the performance of a simulation that uses all of the cores on a node. Using the Slurm submission script from the first exercise as a template, try running simulations that use varying levels of MPI and OpenMP (making sure that the number of MPI ranks and OpenMP threads always multiply to 128 or less). How do the simulation times change as you increase the numbers change? How do these times change if you do not spread the threads over the NUMA regions as suggested?

You may find it helpful to fill out this table

MPI Ranks OpenMP threads Walltime (s) performance (ns/day)
128 1    
64 2    
42 3    
32 4    
25 5    
16 8    
8 16    

Exercise 3: Two hardware threads per core

The --hint=nomultithread asks SLURM to ignore the possibility of running two threads per core. If we remove this option, this makes available 256 “cpus” per node (2 threads per core in hardware). To run 8 MPI tasks with 1 task per NUMA region running 32 OpenMP threads, the script would look like:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

#SBATCH --partition=standard
#SBATCH --time=00:10:00

#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=8

#SBATCH --hint=multithread
#SBATCH --distribution=block:block

#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=32

module load gromacs


srun gmx_mpi mdrun -ntomp ${SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK} -nsteps 10000 -s npt.tpr

Multithreading and GROMACS?

Staring with the MPI-only case first, how does enabling multithreading affect GROMACS performance?

What about the performance of hybrid MPI+OpenMP jobs?

Exercise 4: Load balancing

GROMACS performs dynamic load balancing when it deems necessary. Can you tell from your md.log files so far whether it has been doing so, and what it calculated the load imbalance was before deciding to do so?

To demonstrate the effect of the load imbalance counteracted by GROMACS’s dynamic load balancing scheme, investigate what happens when this is turned off by including the -dlb no option to gmx_mpi mdrun.

Key Points

  • Hybrid MPI with OpenMP does affect performance.

  • When running hybrid jobs, placement across NUMA regions is important.