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Automating performance data collection and analysis


Teaching: 20 min
Exercises: 20 min
  • Why is automation useful?

  • What considerations should I have when automating collecting performance data?

  • Are there any tools that can help with automation?

  • Understand how automation can help with performance measurements.

  • See how different automation approaches work in practice.

We now know how to collect basic benchmark performance data and how to analyse it so that we can understand the performance and make decisions based on it. We will now look at techniques for making data collection and analysis more efficient.

Why automate?

The manual collection of benchmark data can become a onerous, time-consuming task, particularly if you have a large parameter space to explore. When you have more than a small number of benchmark runs to undertake it is often worthwhile automating the collection of benchmarking data.

In addition to reducing the manual work, automation of data collection has a number of other advantages:

Automation approaches

There are a number of different potential approaches to automation: ranging from using a existing framework to creating your own scripts. The approach you choose generally depends on how many benchmark runs you need to perform and how much data you plan to collect. The larger the dataset you are interested in, the more time it will be worth investing in automation.

Many ways to skin a cat!

Like many programmatic problems, there are an extremely large number of ways to address this problem. We will cover one approach here using bash scripting, but that does not mean you could not use Perl, Python or any other language and approach. Often the best choice depends on what toolset you are already familiar with and happy using.

Automating Sharpen benchmarking

In this lesson, we will look at writing our own simple scripts to automate the collection of benchmark data for the Sharpen application to repeat the work we have already done by hand to demonstrate one potential approach.

First, we need to decide what parameters are varying and if there are any data we need to capture from the runs that will not be captured in the output from the application itself.

Things we need to vary:

Things we need to capture that are not in the application output:

We have already seen how to use srun directly to run these benchmarks, but in this case we will generate job submission scripts to run the benchmarks. This is not strictly needed here, but will demonstrate an approach that is more flexible for your potential use cases than submitting using srun directly.

Write the template job submission script

Firstly, we want to write a job submission script that will submit one instance of a benchmark run.

Writing a job submission script

Use the ARCHER2 online documentation to produce a job submission script that runs the Sharpen application on a single core on a single node.


The following job submission script sets the same options that we used when using srun directly.


# Slurm job options (job-name, compute nodes, job time)
#SBATCH --job-name=sharpen_bench
#SBATCH --time=0:20:0
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --tasks-per-node=1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1
#SBATCH --account=ta012        
#SBATCH --partition=standard
#SBATCH --qos=standard
#SBATCH --reservation=ta012_89

# Setup the job environment (this module needs to be loaded before any other modules)
module load epcc-job-env
# Load the sharpen module
module load training/sharpen

srun --distribution=block:block --hint=nomultithread sharpen-mpi.x > bench_${SLURM_NTASKS}cores_run1.out

Identify parameters that will vary in the script and write parameterised submission script

Now, we need to take our static script and identify all the locations where things will change dynamically during automated setup and any additional parameters/data that we need to include. Remember, we thought the following things would change:

and we need to remember to include these additional data for each run (because they are not included in the output from Sharpen):

Looking at our basic script, we can see that the number of cores appears in the following line:

#SBATCH --tasks-per-node=1

(It may also sometimes require an increase in the number of nodes if we use more cores than are in a single node but we shall ignore this for now.)

The run number does not appear anywhere in our script at the moment, so we will need to find a way to include it. When we do this, it will also address including the run number in the output in some way.

Finally, we need to capture the date/time in a way that can be used in our output. One convenient way to do this is to capture the time as epoch time (seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC). We can use the command date +%s to get this. So, we could capture this in a script with something like:

timestamp=$(date +%s)

(This captures the current epoch time into the $timestamp variable. Note that there cannot be any spaces on either side of the = sign in bash scripts.)

We are going to use a bit of bash scripting to create a version of our job submission script that will allow us to specify the values of the variables that we want to change as arguments and that will include the date. First we will show the complete script and then we will explain what is going on.

Here is the script (which I saved in

# Capture the arguments

sbatch <<EOF

# Slurm job options (job-name, compute nodes, job time)
#SBATCH --job-name=sharpen_bench
#SBATCH --time=0:20:0
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --tasks-per-node=${ncores}
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1
#SBATCH --account=ta012        
#SBATCH --partition=standard
#SBATCH --qos=standard
#SBATCH --reservation=ta012_89
# Setup the job environment (this module needs to be loaded before any other modules)
module load epcc-job-env
# Load the sharpen module
module load training/sharpen

for irun in \$(seq 1 ${nruns})
   timestamp=\$(date +%s)
   srun --distribution=block:block --hint=nomultithread sharpen-mpi.x > bench_\${SLURM_NTASKS}cores_run\${irun}_\${timestamp}.out

To use this script to run three copies of the benchmark on a single core, we would use the command:

bash 1 3
Submitted batch job 65158

The first argument to the script specifies the number of cores and the second argument, the number of copies to run. In the script itself, these are captured into the variables $ncores and $nruns by the lines:


We then use a form of bash redirection called a here document to pass the script to the sbatch command with the values of $ncores and $nruns substituted in in the correct places: the SBATCH option for $ncores and the seq command for $nruns. One thing to note in the here document is that we must escape the $ for variables we want to still be variables in the script by preceding them with a backslash otherwise bash will try to substitute them in the same way it does for the $ncores and $nruns variables. You can see this in action in the for line, timestamp line and the srun line: we want these variables to be interpreted when the script runs so they need to be escaped, the unescaped variables will be interpreted when the script is submitted.

Remember, that the value of the walltime specified for the job now needs to be long enough for however many repeats of the runs we want to run (20 minutes is plenty for the Sharpen application). (You could, of course, calculate this in the script based on a base runtime and the specified number of repeats if you so wish.)

Now we have a script that can dynamically take the values we want for benchmarking, and we already have a script that can automatically extract the data from all benchmark runs, the final step is to setup the script that can automate the submission of the different benchmark cases.

Write the benchmark automation script and submit the jobs

To automate the submission, we need a script that could call our parameterised submission script with the different parameters needed. For this simple case, we will encode the different parameters in the script itself but for more complex cases it may be worth considering keeping the parameters in a separate file that can be read by the script.

In this case, the only parameter we want to vary is the number of cores for the benchmark (we are going to use 3 repetitions per core count). Here is an example of a short bash script that would implement this:

# Set the core counts we want to benchmark
core_counts="1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128"
# Set the number of repeat runs per core count

# Loop over core counts, submitting the jobs
for cores in $core_counts
   bash $cores $nrep

Assuming this has been saved as in the same directory as our script, we should now be able to submit the full set of benchmark runs with a single command:

Submitted batch job 65174
Submitted batch job 65175
Submitted batch job 65176
Submitted batch job 65177
Submitted batch job 65178
Submitted batch job 65179
Submitted batch job 65180
Submitted batch job 65181

You can see that there are 8 jobs submitted, one for each of the core counts we specified in the script.

Modify the parameterised submission script to allow for multinode runs

Can you modify the parameterised job submission script to allow it to use multiple nodes rather than just a single node so the number of cores used for the benchmark can go beyond 128 cores?


As for everything, there are many different ways to do this. Possibly the simplest solution is to expand the number of arguments the script takes to allow you to specify the number of nodes and the number of cores to use per node. An example solution would be:

# Capture the arguments

sbatch <<EOF

# Slurm job options (job-name, compute nodes, job time)
#SBATCH --job-name=sharpen_bench
#SBATCH --time=0:20:0
#SBATCH --nodes=${nnodes}
#SBATCH --tasks-per-node=${ncorespernode}
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1
#SBATCH --account=ta012        
#SBATCH --partition=standard
#SBATCH --qos=standard
#SBATCH --reservation=ta012_89
# Setup the job environment (this module needs to be loaded before any other modules)
module load epcc-job-env
# Load the sharpen module
module load training/sharpen

for irun in \$(seq 1 ${nruns})
   timestamp=\$(date +%s)
   srun --distribution=block:block --hint=nomultithread sharpen-mpi.x > bench_\${SLURM_NNODES}nodes_\${SLURM_NTASKS}cores_run\${irun}_\${timestamp}.out

This would be used with something like (for 2 nodes with 128 cores used per node, 256 cores in total, 3 repeats):

bash 2 128 3

More complex automation: potential frameworks

If you are planning to reuse benchmarks many times in the future and/or have complex requirements for the different parameters you need to use in your benchmarking you may find it worth investing the time and effort to use an existing test or benchmark framework. The use of such frameworks is beyond the scope of this course but a couple of potential options that have been used successfully in the past are:

In the final section of this course, we take a brief look at Profiling performance of applications on HPC systems.

Key Points

  • Automation can help make benchmarking more rigourous