Singularity: Getting started


Teaching: 15 min
Exercises: 10 min
  • What is Singularity and why might I want to use it?

  • Understand what Singularity is and when you might want to use it.

  • Undertake your first run of a simple Singularity container.

The episodes in this lesson will introduce you to the Singularity container platform and demonstrate how to set up and use Singularity.

What is Singularity?

Singularity (or Apptainer, we’ll get to this in a minute…) is a container platform that supports packaging and deploying software and tools in a portable and reproducible manner.

You may be familiar with Docker, another container platform that is now used widely. If you are, you will see that in some ways, Singularity is similar to Docker. However, in other ways, particularly in terms of the system’s architecture, it is fundamentally different. These differences mean that Singularity is particularly well-suited to running on shared platforms such as distributed, High Performance Computing (HPC) infrastructure, as well as on a Linux laptop or desktop.

Singularity runs containers from container images which, as we discussed, are essentially a virtual computer disk that contains all of the necessary software, libraries and configuration to run one or more applications or undertake a particular task, e.g. to support a specific research project. This saves you the time and effort of installing and configuring software on your own system or setting up a new computer from scratch, as you can simply run a Singularity container from an image and have a virtual environment that is equivalent to the one used by the person who created the image. Singularity/Apptainer is increasingly widely used in the research community for supporting research projects due to its support for shared computing platforms.

System administrators will not, generally, install Docker on shared computing platforms such as lab desktops, research clusters or HPC platforms because the design of Docker presents potential security issues for shared platforms with multiple users. Singularity/Apptainer, on the other hand, can be run by end-users entirely within “user space”, that is, no special administrative privileges need to be assigned to a user in order for them to run and interact with containers on a platform where Singularity has been installed.

A little history…

Singularity is open source software and was initially developed within the research community. A couple of years ago, the project was “forked” something that is not uncommon within the open source software community, with the software effectively splitting into two projects going in different directions. The fork is being developed by a commercial entity, who provide both the free, open source SingularityCE (Community Edition) and Pro/Enterprise editions of the software. The original open source Singularity project has recently been renamed to Apptainer and has moved into the Linux Foundation. The initial release of Apptainer was made about a year ago, at the time of writing. While earlier versions of this course focused on versions of Singularity released before the project fork, we now base the course material on recent Apptainer releases. Despite this, the basic features of Apptainer/Singularity remain the same and so this material is equally applicable whether you’re working with a recent Apptainer release or a slightly older Singularity version. Nonetheless, it is useful to be aware of this history and that you may see both Singularity and Apptainer being used within the research community over the coming months and years.

Another point to note is that some systems that have a recent Apptainer release installed may also provide a singularity command that is simply a link to the apptainer executable on the system. This helps to ensure that existing scripts being used on the system that were developed before the migration to Apptainer will still function correctly.

For now, the remainder of this material refers to Singularity but where you have a release of Apptainer installed on your local system, you can simply replace references to singularity with apptainer, if you wish.

Checking Singularity works

You must use the login address rather than the general login address as login4 has fixes for Singularity that are not present on the usual login nodes (the fixes will be rolled out to all ARCHER2 login and compute nodes soon).

Login to ARCHER2 using the login address

ssh -i /path/to/ssh-key

Now check that the singularity command is available in your terminal:

remote$ singularity --version
singularity version 3.7.3-1

Loading a module

HPC systems often use modules to provide access to software on the system so you may need to use the command:

remote$ module load singularity

before you can use the singularity command on remote systems. However, this depends on how the system is configured. You do not need to load a module on ARCHER2. If in doubt, consult the documentation for the system you are using or contact the support team.

Images and containers: reminder

A quick reminder on terminology: we refer to both container images and containers. What is the difference between these two terms?

Container images (sometimes just images) are bundles of files including an operating system, software and potentially data and other application-related files. They may sometimes be referred to as a disk image or image and they may be stored in different ways, perhaps as a single file, or as a group of files. Either way, we refer to this file, or collection of files, as an image.

A container is a virtual environment that is based on a container image. That is, the files, applications, tools, etc that are available within a running container are determined by the image that the container is started from. It may be possible to start multiple container instances from an image. You could, perhaps, consider an image to be a form of template from which running container instances can be started.

Getting a container image and running a Singularity container

Singularity uses the Singularity Image Format (SIF) and container images are provided as single SIF files (usually with a .sif or .img filename extension). Singularity container images can be pulled from the Sylabs Cloud Library, a registry for Singularity container images. Singularity is also capable of running containers based on container images pulled from Docker Hub and other Docker image repositories (e.g. We will look at accessing container images from Docker Hub later in the course.

Sylabs Remote Builder

Note that in addition to providing a repository that you can pull container images from, Sylabs Cloud Library can also build Singularity images for you from a recipe - a configuration file defining the steps to build an image. We will look at recipes and building images later in the workshop.

Pulling a container image from Sylabs Cloud Library

Let’s begin by creating a test directory, changing into it and pulling an existing container image from Sylabs Cloud Library:

remote$ mkdir test
remote$ cd test
remote$ singularity pull lolcow.sif library://lolcow
INFO:    Downloading library image
 90.4 MiB / 90.4 MiB [===============================================================================================================] 100.00% 90.4 MiB/s 1s

What just happened? We pulled a container image from a remote repository using the singularity pull command and directed it to store the container image in a file using the name lolcow.sif in the current directory. If you run the ls command, you should see that the lolcow.sif file is now present in the current directory.

remote$ ls -lh
total 60M
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 auser group 91M Jun 13  2023 lolcow.sif

Running a Singularity container

We can now run a container based on the lolcow.sif container image:

remote$ singularity run lolcow.sif
< Tue Jun 20 08:44:51 UTC 2023 >
        \   ^__^
         \  (oo)\_______
            (__)\       )\/\
                ||----w |
                ||     ||

The above command ran a lolcow container based on the container image we downloaded from the online repository and the resulting output was shown.

What just happened? When we use the singularity run command, Singularity does three things:

1. Starts a Running Container 2. Performs Default Action 3. Shuts Down the Container
Starts a running container, based on the container image. Think of this as the “alive” or “inflated” version of the container – it’s actually doing something. If the container has a default action set, it will perform that default action. This could be as simple as printing a message (as above) or running a whole analysis pipeline! Once the default action is complete, the container stops running (or exits).

Default action

How did the container determine what to do when we ran it? What did running the container actually do to result in the displayed output?

When you run a container from a Singularity container image using the singularity run command, the container runs the default run script that is embedded within the container image. This is a shell script that can be used to run commands, tools or applications stored within the container image on container startup. We can inspect the container image’s run script using the singularity inspect command:

remote$ singularity inspect -r lolcow.sif

    date  |  cowsay  |  lolcat

This shows us the script within the lolcow.sif image configured to run by default when we use the singularity run command.

This seems very simple but already, we have downloaded a container image that is built with a different OS than is available on ARCHER2 that also contains software not available on ARCHER2 (cowsay and lolcat) and been able to run this on the ARCHER2 system without needing to install anything ourselves and without the container image having to know anything specific about how ARCHER2 is configured.

Key Points

  • Singularity is another container platform and it is often used in cluster/HPC/research environments.

  • Singularity has a different security model to other container platforms, one of the key reasons that it is well suited to HPC and cluster environments.

  • Singularity has its own container image format (SIF).

  • The singularity command can be used to pull images from Sylabs Cloud Library and run a container from an image file.