ARCHER2 scheduler: Slurm


Teaching: 35 min
Exercises: 25 min
  • How do I write job submission scripts?

  • How do I control jobs?

  • How do I find out what resources are available?

  • Understand the use of the basic Slurm commands.

  • Know what components make up and ARCHER2 scheduler.

  • Know where to look for further help on the scheduler.

ARCHER2 uses the Slurm job submission system, or scheduler, to manage resources and how they are made available to users. The main commands you will use with Slurm on ARCHER2 are:

Full documentation on Slurm on ARCHER2 can be found in the Running Jobs on ARCHER2 section of the User and Best Practice Guide.

Finding out what resources are available: sinfo

The sinfo command shows the current state of the compute nodes known to the scheduler:

auser@ln01:~> sinfo
standard     up 1-00:00:00      2 drain$ nid[003548,005023]
standard     up 1-00:00:00      6  down$ nid[002546,003549,003583,004381,005123,005194]
standard     up 1-00:00:00      6  maint nid[001693,002462,003430,003835,004084,006112]
standard     up 1-00:00:00      6 drain* nid[001567,003550-003551,003995,004753,006080]
standard     up 1-00:00:00     13  down* nid[001200,001251,002326,002914,003185,003190,003395,003526,003598,003764,004984,005799,006210]
standard     up 1-00:00:00      1   comp nid002252
standard     up 1-00:00:00      6   drng nid[003992-003994,004752,004754-004755]
standard     up 1-00:00:00     12  drain nid[001117,001638,002085,002123,002315,003177,004778,005508-005511,006759]
standard     up 1-00:00:00    159   resv nid[001256-001383,001608-001637,001639]
standard     up 1-00:00:00   5634  alloc nid[001000-001116,001118-001199,001201-001213,001215-001250,001252-001255,001384-001566,001568-001607,001640-001692,001694-002057,002059-002084,002086-002122,002124-002193,002195-002251,002253,002262-002275,002277-002314,002316-002325,002327-002461,002463-002545,002547-002913,002915-003176,003178-003184,003186-003189,003191-003394,003396-003429,003431-003484,003486-003525,003527-003547,003552-003582,003584-003597,003599-003763,003765-003834,003836-003991,003996-004083,004085-004380,004382-004751,004756-004777,004779-004983,004985-005022,005024-005122,005124-005193,005195-005506,005512-005730,005732-005798,005800-006079,006081-006111,006113-006209,006211-006758,006760-006859]
standard     up 1-00:00:00      9   idle nid[002254-002261,002276]
standard     up 1-00:00:00      6   down nid[001214,002058,002194,003485,005507,005731]
highmem      up 1-00:00:00      1  down* nid002914
highmem      up 1-00:00:00    583  alloc nid[002756-002913,002915-003047,006376-006667]
serial       up 1-00:00:00      2   idle dvn[01-02]

There is a row for each node state and partition combination. The default output shows the following columns:

The nodes can be in many different states, the most common you will see are:

Easy viewing of output

A lot of the Slurm commands can output very wide tables which can be hard to view in smaller terminals. You can try piping the output to less -S to get a scrollable view without line wrapping. Try it out by running for example sinfo | less -S. You can scroll with the arrow keys and exit the view by pressing q.

If you prefer to see the state of individual nodes, you can use the sinfo -N -l command.

Lots to look at!

Warning! The sinfo -N -l command will produce a lot of output as there are nearly 6000 individual compute nodes on the full ARCHER2 system!

auser@ln01:~> sinfo -N -l
Mon Nov 22 15:54:46 2021
dvn01          1    serial        idle 256    2:64:2 515450        0      1 DVN,AMD_ none
dvn02          1    serial        idle 256    2:64:2 515450        0      1 DVN,AMD_ none
nid001000      1  standard   allocated 256    2:64:2 227328        0      1 COMPUTE, none
nid001001      1  standard   allocated 256    2:64:2 227328        0      1 COMPUTE, none
nid001002      1  standard   allocated 256    2:64:2 227328        0      1 COMPUTE, none
nid001003      1  standard   allocated 256    2:64:2 227328        0      1 COMPUTE, none
nid001004      1  standard   allocated 256    2:64:2 227328        0      1 COMPUTE, none
nid001005      1  standard   allocated 256    2:64:2 227328        0      1 COMPUTE, none
nid001006      1  standard   allocated 256    2:64:2 227328        0      1 COMPUTE, none
nid001007      1  standard   allocated 256    2:64:2 227328        0      1 COMPUTE, none

...lots of output trimmed...

Explore a compute node

Let’s look at the resources available on the compute nodes where your jobs will actually run. Try running this command to see the name, CPUs and memory available on the worker nodes (the instructors will give you the ID of the compute node to use):

[auser@ln01:~> sinfo -n nid001005 -o "%n %c %m"

This should display the resources available for a standard node.

It is also possible to search nodes by state. Can you find all the free nodes in the system?


sinfo lets you specify the state of a node to search for, so to get all the free nodes in the system you can use:

sinfo -N -l --state=idle

More information on what sinfo can display can be found in the sinfo manual page, i.e. man sinfo

Using batch job submission scripts

Header section: #SBATCH

As for most other scheduler systems, job submission scripts in Slurm consist of a header section with the shell specification and options to the submission command (sbatch in this case) followed by the body of the script that actually runs the commands you want. In the header section, options to sbatch should be prepended with #SBATCH.

Here is a simple example script that runs the xthi program, which shows process and thread placement, across two nodes.

#SBATCH --job-name=my_mpi_job
#SBATCH --nodes=2
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=128
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1
#SBATCH --time=0:10:0
#SBATCH --partition=standard
#SBATCH --qos=standard
#SBATCH --account=ta081
#SBATCH --hint=nomultithread
#SBATCH --distribution=block:block

# Make the xthi software available
module load xthi


# srun to launch the executable
srun xthi

The options shown here are:

We will discuss the srun command further below.

Using a reservation

For this course we have a reservation in place, a set of nodes that have been set aside specifically for our use so we can avoid waiting in the queue. If you want to use it, you will need to use the login account you created under the ta081 project,and you will need to set the QoS to reservation and specify the reservation name itself in your job scripts:

#SBATCH --qos=reservation
#SBATCH --reservation=<reservation-name>

The course instructor and helpers will be able to tell you the name of the reservation.

Submitting jobs using sbatch

You use the sbatch command to submit job submission scripts to the scheduler. For example, if the above script was saved in a file called test_job.slurm, you would submit it with:

auser@ln01:~> sbatch test_job.slurm
Submitted batch job 23996

Slurm reports back with the job ID for the job you have submitted

What are the defaults for sbatch options?

If you do not specify job options, what are the defaults for Slurm on ARCHER2? Submit jobs to find out what the defaults are for:

  1. Partition and QoS?
  2. Budget (or Account) the job is charged to?
  3. Tasks per node?
  4. Number of nodes?
  5. Walltime? (This one is hard! Try using the sacct command – check man sacct to find out how to use it.)


(1) Partition and QoS: None! We have to specify these or a job will be immediately rejected by sbatch.

(2) Budget: This depends – if you only have one budget associated with an account, or if you have set up a default budget, Slurm will use that as a default. Otherwise, Slurm will not let your job run.

You can get the answers to 3. and 4. with a script like the following:

#SBATCH --job-name=my_mpi_job
#SBATCH --account=ta081
#SBATCH --partition=standard
#SBATCH --qos=standard

echo "Nodes: $SLURM_JOB_NUM_NODES"
module load xthi


srun xthi

The useful environment variable $SLURM_NTASKS_PER_NODE would normally tell us how many tasks we would like to run on each node, but this is only set if the --ntasks-per-node option has been given. However, we can still see the default from xthi’s output.

(3) Tasks per node: 1

(4) Number of nodes: 1

Getting the default time limit is more difficult - we need to use the sacct command to query the time limit set for the job. For example, if the job ID was “12345”, then we could query the time limit with:

auser@ln01:~> sacct -o "TimeLimit" -j 12345

(5) Walltime: One hour.

Checking progress of your job with squeue

You use the squeue command to show the current state of the queues on ARCHER2. Without any options, it will show all jobs in the queue:

auser@ln01:~> squeue
...probably lots of jobs!...

You can use the -u option to look at the jobs being run by a particular user. So, to see the status of your own jobs, if your user name is still auser, you would run:

auser@ln01:~> squeue -u auser
             12345 standard  my_mpi_j    auser PD       0:00      1 (Priority)

The ST column gives the state of each job. The three most common statuses you are likely to come across are:

Once the job has started, NODELIST(REASON) will give the list of nodes being used. Until then, it will instead show the reason the job has not yet started. Priority means that higher priority jobs are ahead of it in the queue and it will run once those have been scheduled. Resources means that the resources requested are not yet available.

Cancelling jobs with scancel

You can use the scancel command to cancel jobs that are queued or running. When used on running jobs it stops them immediately. To cancel job 12345 you would run:

auser@ln01:~> scancel 12345

Running parallel applications using srun

Once past the header section your script consists of standard shell commands required to run your job. These can be simple or complex depending on how you run your jobs but even the simplest job script usually contains commands to:

After this you will usually launch your parallel program using the srun command. At its simplest, srun only needs 1 argument to specify the correct binding of processes to cores (it will use the values supplied to sbatch to work out how many parallel processes to launch). In the example above, our srun command simply looks like:

srun xthi

Underpopulation of nodes

You may often want to underpopulate nodes on ARCHER2 to access more memory or more memory bandwidth per task. Can you state the sbatch options you would use to run xthi:

  1. On 4 nodes with 64 tasks per node?
  2. On 8 nodes with 2 tasks per node, 1 task per socket?
  3. On 4 nodes with 32 tasks per node, ensuring an even distribution across the 8 NUMA regions on the node?

Once you have your answers run them in job scripts and check that the binding of tasks to nodes and cores output by xthi is what you expect.


  1. --nodes=4 --ntasks-per-node=64
  2. --nodes=8 --ntasks-per-node=2 --ntasks-per-socket=1
  3. --nodes=4 --ntasks-per-node=32 --ntasks-per-socket=16 --cpus-per-task=4

Hybrid MPI and OpenMP jobs

When running hybrid MPI (with the individual tasks also known as ranks or processes) and OpenMP (with multiple threads) jobs you need to leave free cores between the parallel tasks launched using srun for the multiple OpenMP threads that will be associated with each MPI task.

As we saw above, you can use the options to sbatch to control how many parallel tasks are placed on each compute node and can use the --cpus-per-task option to set the stride between parallel tasks to the right value to accommodate the OpenMP threads - the value for --cpus-per-task should usually be the same as that for OMP_NUM_THREADS. Finally, you need to specify --threads-per-core=1 to ensure that the threads use physical cores rather than SMT (hardware threading).

As an example, consider the job script below that runs across 2 nodes with 8 MPI tasks per node and 16 OpenMP threads per MPI task (so all 256 cores across both nodes are used).

#SBATCH --job-name=my_hybrid_job
#SBATCH --nodes=2
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=8
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=16
#SBATCH --threads-per-core=1
#SBATCH --time=0:10:0
#SBATCH --partition=standard
#SBATCH --qos=standard
#SBATCH --account=ta081
#SBATCH --hint=nomultithread
#SBATCH --distribution=block:block

module load xthi


# Load modules, etc.
# srun to launch the executable

srun xthi

Each ARCHER2 compute node is made up of 8 NUMA (Non Uniform Memory Access) regions (4 per socket) with 16 cores in each region. Programs where the threads of a task span multiple NUMA regions are likely to be less efficient so we recommend using thread counts that fit well into the ARCHER2 compute node layout. Effectively, this means one of the following options for nodes where all cores are used:


STDOUT and STDERR from jobs are, by default, written to a file called slurm-<jobid>.out in the working directory for the job (unless the job script changes this, this will be the directory where you submitted the job). So for a job with ID 12345 STDOUT and STDERR would be in slurm-12345.out.

If you run into issues with your jobs, the Service Desk will often ask you to send your job submission script and the contents of this file to help debug the issue.

If you need to change the location of STDOUT and STDERR you can use the --output=<filename> and the --error=<filename> options to sbatch to split the streams and output to the named locations.

Other useful information

In this section we briefly introduce other scheduler topics that may be useful to users. We provide links to more information on these areas for people who may want to explore these areas more.

Interactive jobs: salloc

Similar to the batch jobs covered above, users can also run interactive jobs using the Slurm command salloc. salloc takes the same arguments as sbatch but, obviously, these are specified on the command line rather than in a job submission script.

When the job requested with salloc starts, the resources you requested are allocated for your use. You will be returned to the command line and can now start parallel jobs on the compute nodes interactively with the srun command in the same way as you would within a job submission script.

For example, to execute xthi across all cores on two nodes (1 MPI task per core and no OpenMP threading) within an interactive job you would issue the following commands:

auser@ln01:~> salloc --partition=standard --qos=standard --nodes=2 --ntasks-per-node=128 --cpus-per-task=1 --distribution=block:block --hint=nomultithread --time=0:10:0 --account=ta081
salloc: Pending job allocation 12345
salloc: job 12345 queued and waiting for resources
salloc: job 12345 has been allocated resources
salloc: Granted job allocation 12345
salloc: Waiting for resource configuration
salloc: Nodes nid[004186-004187] are ready for job
auser@ln01:~> module load xthi
auser@ln01:~> srun xthi
Node summary for    2 nodes:
Node    0, hostname nid004186, mpi 128, omp   1, executable xthi
Node    1, hostname nid004187, mpi 128, omp   1, executable xthi
MPI summary: 256 ranks
Node    0, rank    0, thread   0, (affinity =    0)
Node    0, rank    1, thread   0, (affinity =    1)
Node    0, rank    2, thread   0, (affinity =    2)
Node    0, rank    3, thread   0, (affinity =    3)
Node    0, rank    4, thread   0, (affinity =    4)
Node    0, rank    5, thread   0, (affinity =    5)
Node    0, rank    6, thread   0, (affinity =    6)
Node    0, rank    7, thread   0, (affinity =    7)
Node    0, rank    8, thread   0, (affinity =    8)
Node    0, rank    9, thread   0, (affinity =    9)
Node    0, rank   10, thread   0, (affinity =   10)
Node    0, rank   11, thread   0, (affinity =   11)
Node    0, rank   12, thread   0, (affinity =   12)
Node    0, rank   13, thread   0, (affinity =   13)
Node    0, rank   14, thread   0, (affinity =   14)
Node    0, rank   15, thread   0, (affinity =   15)
Node    0, rank   16, thread   0, (affinity =   16)
Node    0, rank   17, thread   0, (affinity =   17)
Node    0, rank   18, thread   0, (affinity =   18)

...long output trimmed...

Once you have finished your interactive commands, you exit the interactive job with exit:

auser@ln01:~> exit
salloc: Relinquishing job allocation 12345
salloc: Job allocation 12345 has been revoked.

Interactive jobs: srun

An alternative way to run interactive jobs is with srun itself. This works a bit differently from salloc. This method launches you into a new shell running on the lead node of the job.

auser@ln01:~> srun --partition=standard --qos=standard --nodes=2 --ntasks-per-node=128 --cpus-per-task=1 --time=0:10:0 --account=ta081 --pty /bin/bash
srun: job 12345 queued and waiting for resources
srun: job 12345 has been allocated resources
auser@nid002158:~> module load xthi
auser@nid002158:~> srun --oversubscribe --ntasks=256 --distribution=block:block --hint=nomultithread xthi

You’ll notice that once the job has begun and you are in the shell running on the job’s lead node, the prompt will change to show the node’s name. You’ll also see in the example above that the srun used to launch xthi now includes an extra an extra --oversubscribe option that is needed to allow Slurm to launch xthi on the allocated resources. It also has to specify the total number of tasks to run and the distribution and hint options.

The shell will inherit the environment from the shell running on the login node, so you will also likely want to include an --export=none option to the first srun to prevent this.

The short QoS

Interactive jobs are very helpful ways to modify and run code on the fly while developing, but if you want to submit small non-interactive test jobs, the short QoS is available. Compared to the standard QoS, jobs running in the short QoS can user fewer nodes (32 vs 1024) and have a shorter max walltime (20 minutes vs 24 hours). It can be easy to forget about these limits when using a different QoS, so if you find your job is immediately rejected, you should try checking these first.

The short QoS is still accessed via the standard partition, but the QoS is set to short. For example, the original xthi job from above could be run with:

#SBATCH --job-name=my_short_mpi_job
#SBATCH --nodes=2
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=128
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1
#SBATCH --time=0:10:0
#SBATCH --partition=standard
#SBATCH --qos=short
#SBATCH --account=ta081
#SBATCH --hint=nomultithread
#SBATCH --distribution=block:block

# Make the xthi software available
module load xthi


# srun to launch the executable
srun xthi

Though the resource limits are lower than the other QoSes, using short can help you to run small test jobs quickly.

More information on running jobs on ARCHER2

There is a great deal of flexibility when running jobs on ARCHER2. For example, you may be interested in

This information can be found in the documentation in the ARCHER2 scheduler documentation.

Key Points

  • ARCHER2 uses the Slurm scheduler.

  • srun is used to launch parallel executables in batch job submission scripts.

  • There are a number of different partitions (queues) available.