Debugging on ARCHER2


Teaching: 30 min
Exercises: 30 min
  • What debugging tools are available on ARCHER2 and how can I access them?

  • Where can I find more documentation on and get help with these tools?

  • Know what tools are available to help you debug parallel applications on ARCHER2.

  • Know where to get further help.

ARCHER2 has a range of debugging software available. In this section we will briefly list the tools available on the system and then run through the process of debugging a small MPI program with gdb4hpc. For more information, the ARCHER2 debugging documentation will also be useful.

Debugging tools overview

The following debugging tools are available on ARCHER2:

Using gdb4hpc to debug an application

For this exercise, we’ll be debugging a short program using gdb4hpc. To start, we’ll grab a copy of a buggy code from ARCHER2:


You can look at the code if you want – you might even be able to debug it by inspection (but that defeats the purpose of this exercise). When you’re ready, compile the code using the C compiler wrappers and the debugging flag -g:

 cc -g gdb4hpc_exercise.c -o gdb_exercise

You can choose a different name for your executable, but I’ll be using gdb_exercise through this exercise for consistency – if you use a different name, make the appropriate change wherever you see gdb_exercise.

We’ll be using gdb4hpc to go through this program and see where errors might arise.

Setup your environment, load and launch gdb4hpc:

 module load gdb4hpc

You will get some information about this version of the program and, eventually, you will get a command prompt:

gdb4hpc 4.12 - Cray Line Mode Parallel Debugger
With Cray Comparative Debugging Technology.
Copyright 2007-2021 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP.
Copyright 1996-2016 University of Queensland. All Rights Reserved.

Type "help" for a list of commands.
Type "help <cmd>" for detailed help about a command.
dbg all>

We will use launch to start an application within gdb4hpc. For now, we want to run our simulation on a single process, so we will type:

 dbg all> launch --launcher-args="--account=ta062 --partition=standard --qos=short --time=0:10:0 --tasks-per-node=1 --cpus-per-task=1 --exclusive --export=ALL" $my_prog{1} ./gdb_exercise

This will launch an srun job for gdb_exercise on one of the compute nodes. The name my_prog will be used by gdb4hpc as a reference to this particular run of the program – you will not be able to launch another program using this name, but you can use any name you want instead. Once the run is started, you can reference it by prepending it with a $ sign, so $my_prog in this case. The number in the curly brackets {1} indicates the number of processes this job will be using (it’s 1 here). You could use a larger number if you wanted. If you call for more processes than available on a single compute node, gdb4hpc will launch the program on an appropriate number of nodes. Note though that the more cores you ask for, the slower gdb4hpc will be to launch the tasks once the job has begun. We use --launcher-args to pass all the SBATCH options we would normally provide in a job script through to the job launcher.

Once the program is launched, gdb4hpc will load up the program and begin to run it. You will get output to screen something that looks like:

Starting application, please wait...
Creating MRNet communication network...
Waiting for debug servers to attach to MRNet communications network...
Timeout in 400 seconds. Please wait for the attach to complete.
Number of dbgsrvs connected: [1];  Timeout Counter: [0]
Finalizing setup...
Launch complete.
my_prog{0}: Initial breakpoint, main at /PATH/TO/gdb4hpc_exercise.c:9

The line number at which the initial breakpoint is made (in the above example, line 9) corresponds to the first line within the main function.

Once the code is loaded, you can use various commands to move through your code. The following lists and describes some of the most useful ones:

For now, we will look at list, next, print, and watch. Running:

 dbg all> list

should output the first 10 lines of main:

 my_prog{0}: 9
 my_prog{0}: 10	  // Initiallise MPI environment
 my_prog{0}: 11	  MPI_Init(NULL,NULL);
 my_prog{0}: 12
 my_prog{0}: 13	  // Get processor rank
 my_prog{0}: 14	  int rank;
 my_prog{0}: 15	  MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD,&rank);
 my_prog{0}: 16
 my_prog{0}: 17	  int count = rank + 1;
 my_prog{0}: 18

Repeating list will bring show you the next 10 lines, etc..

At the moment, we are at the start of the program. By running next, we will move to the next executable part of the program

 dbg all> next
 my_prog{0}: main at /PATH/TO/gdb4hpc_exercise.c:13

Running list again will output the ten lines from 11-20. We can jump forward multiple lines by running next N – by replacing N with a number, we will jump down N executable lines within our code. The next command will not allow us to move from one subroutine or function to another.

We can see on line 15 that there is a variable count about to be set. If we type:

 dbg all> print count

The current value of variable count is printed to screen. If we progress the code past line 15 and print this variable value again, it has changed to 1. If we wanted, we could have used the watch command to get a notification whenever the value of the variable changes.


What happens if you keep using next and list?


The program will move from executable line to executable line until it reaches line 18, at which point the program is exited due to an MPI error

Let’s now quit gdb4hpc, start it again, and try launching across multiple processes:

 dbg all> launch --launcher-args="--account=ta062 --partition=standard --qos=short --time=0:10:0 --tasks-per-node=2 --cpus-per-task=1 --exclusive --export=ALL" $my_prog{2} ./gdb_exercise


The code seems to be trying to send the variable count from one process to another. Follow count (using watch) and see how it changes throughout the code. What happens?


Eventually, both processes will hang: process 0 hangs at an MPI_Barrier on line 19 and is stuck waiting for process 1 to reach its barrier. Process 1 is stuck at an MPI_Recv on line 21. Further investigation shows that it is waiting for an MPI_Send that does not exist – the source is process 1 (which has not sent anything) and the tag is 1 (there is no MPI_Send with this tag).

Let’s quit our program, fix that bug, and go back into gdb4hpc. Again, we’ll launch our program on 2 processes, and again, we’ll watch the variable count. This time, both processes are able to get the same value for the variable count. There is one final part of the code to look at – process 0 will try to get the sum of all even numbers between 0 and 20. However, the program begins to hang when process 0 reached line 28 (process 1 also hangs, but it’s already at the MPI_Finalize part of the routine so we don’t need to worry about it). Once we reach this hang, we can’t easily keep going. Let’s stop this debugging session and restart it by using release:

 dbg all> release $my_prog
 dbg all> launch --launcher-args="--account=ta062 --partition=standard --qos=short --tasks-per-node=2 --cpus-per-task=1 --exclusive --export=ALL" $my_new_prog{2} ./gdb_exercise

This time, instead of next, we will use step – this does the same as next with the added feature that we can go into functions and subroutines where applicable. As the new bug appears to come from the sum_even function, let’s see where exactly the program hangs.


Having steped into the sum_even function, can you find where the code hangs and fix the problem?


The i++ should be brought outside of the if part of the while loop. Changing this will make the code work fully.

After fixing this bug, you should be able to run this program to completion.

Running from within an interactive job

When spending time doing a lot of debugging, you may find that you spend a lot of your time waiting for debugging jobs to start. Rather than having each launch of your program within gdb4hpc start as a new job, you can start an interactive job with salloc. Once the job starts, you can then run execute your program many times directly on the nodes you’ve reserved without having to wait each time. Firstly you would start the interactive job

auser@ln01:/work/ta062/ta062/auser> salloc --partition=standard --qos=standard --nodes=2 --ntasks-per-node=128 --cpus-per-task=1 --distribution=block:block --hint=nomultithread --time=0:10:0 --account=ta062
salloc: Pending job allocation 1445231
salloc: job 1445231 queued and waiting for resources
salloc: job 1445231 has been allocated resources
salloc: Granted job allocation 1445231
salloc: Waiting for resource configuration
salloc: Nodes nid[002090,002099] are ready for job

and then load and start gdb4hpc

auser@ln01:/work/ta062/ta062/auser> module load gdb4hpc
auser@ln01:/work/ta062/ta062/auser> gdb4hpc
gdb4hpc 4.12 - Cray Line Mode Parallel Debugger
With Cray Comparative Debugging Technology.
Copyright 2007-2021 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP.
Copyright 1996-2016 University of Queensland. All Rights Reserved.

Type "help" for a list of commands.
Type "help <cmd>" for detailed help about a command.

Now you can launch without having to specify the launcher arguments or waiting for Slurm to start the job.

dbg all> launch $my_prog{256} ./gdb_exercise
Starting application, please wait...
Creating MRNet communication network...
Waiting for debug servers to attach to MRNet communications network...
Timeout in 400 seconds. Please wait for the attach to complete.
Number of dbgsrvs connected: [3];  Timeout Counter: [0]
Number of dbgsrvs connected: [111];  Timeout Counter: [0]
Number of dbgsrvs connected: [122];  Timeout Counter: [0]
Number of dbgsrvs connected: [256];  Timeout Counter: [0]
Finalizing setup...
Launch complete.
a{0..255}: Initial breakpoint, in main

Attaching to a running job

If you find that a running job appears to be having problems, you can attach gd4hpc to it to examine the state of execution. Firstly, find its job ID using squeue. Then we would use sstat to find the job step running the code. A job step indicates which srun launch invoked the executable. A job script containing 3 sruns would have three job steps. This means that most jobs with a single launch will have a job step of the form <jobid>.0.

At this point, you can load the gdb4hpc module if you haven’t already done so and start it up. If we assume that you found your job and step to be 12345.0, you would then do

dbg all> attach $my_prog 12345.0

and start debugging as before. If you attach to the wrong job, or just want to let it run freely again, run

dbg all> release $my_prog

Getting help with debugging tools

You can find more information on the debugging tools available on ARCHER2 in the ARCHER2 Documentation and the HPE Cray documentation:

If the documentation does not answer your questions then please contact the ARCHER2 Service Desk and they will be able to assist you.

Key Points

  • Several debugging tools are available on ARCHER2.

  • The main debugging tool is gdb4hpc