Debugging and profiling on ARCHER2


Teaching: 30 min
Exercises: 20 min
  • What debugging tools are available on ARCHER2 and how can I access them?

  • What profiling tools are available on ARCHER2 and how can I access them?

  • Where can I find more documentation on and get help with these tools?

  • Know what tools are available to help you debug and profile parallel applications on ARCHER2.

  • Know where to get further help.

ARCHER2 has a range of debugging and profiling software available. In this section we provide a brief overview of the tools available, their applicability and links to more information. A detailed tutorial on the use of these tools is beyond the scope of this course but if you are interested in this, then you may be interested in the following courses offered by the ARCHER2 service:

Debugging tools overview

The following debugging tools are available on ARCHER2:

Using gdb4hpc to debug an application

For this exercise, we’ll be debugging a short program using gdb4hpc. To start, we’ll grab a copy of a buggy code from ARCHER2:


You can look at the code if you want – you might even be able to debug it by inspection (but that defeats the purpose of this exercise). When you’re ready, compile the code using the C compiler wrappers and the debugging flag -g:

 cc -g gdb4hpc_exercise.c -o gdb_exercise

You can choose a different name for your executable, but I’ll be using gdb_exercise through this exercise for consistency – if you use a different name, make the appropriate change wherever you see gdb_exercise.

We’ll be using gdb4hpc to go through this program and see where errors might arise.

Setup your environment, load and launch gdb4hpc:

 export CTI_WLM_IMPL=slurm
 export CTI_LAUNCHER_NAME=srun
 module load gdb4hpc

You will get some information about this version of the program and, eventually, you will get a command prompt:

 gdb4hpc 4.5 - Cray Line Mode Parallel Debugger
 With Cray Comparative Debugging Technology.
 Copyright 2007-2019 Cray Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 Copyright 1996-2016 University of Queensland. All Rights Reserved.
 Type "help" for a list of commands.
 Type "help <cmd>" for detailed help about a command.
 dbg all>

We will use launch to start an application within gdb4hpc. For now, we want to run our simulation on a single process, so we will type:

 dbg all> launch --launcher-args="--account=[budget code] --partition=standard --qos=standard --tasks-per-node=1 --cpus-per-task=1 --exclusive --export=ALL" $my_prog{1} ./gdb_exercise

This will launch an srun job on one of the compute nodes. The name my_prog is a dummy name to which this run-through of the program is linked – you will not be able to launch another program using this name, and you can use any name you want instead. The number in the brackets {1} indicates the number of processes this job will be using (it’s 1 here). You could use a larger number if you wanted. If you call for more processes than available on a single compute node, gdb4hpc will launch the program on an appropriate number of nodes. Note though that the more cores you ask for, the slower gdb4hpc will be.

Once the program is launched, gdb4hpc will load up the program and begin to run it. You will get output to screen something that looks like:

Starting application, please wait...
Creating MRNet communication network...
Waiting for debug servers to attach to MRNet communications network...
Timeout in 400 seconds. Please wait for the attach to complete.
Number of dbgsrvs connected: [0];  Timeout Counter: [1]
Number of dbgsrvs connected: [0];  Timeout Counter: [2]
Number of dbgsrvs connected: [1];  Timeout Counter: [0]
Finalizing setup...
Launch complete.
my_prog{0}: Initial breakpoint, main at /PATH/TO/gdb4hpc_exercise.c:9

The line number at which the initial breakpoint is made (in the above example, line 9) corresponds to the first line within the main function.

Once the code is loaded, you can use various commands to move through your code. The following lists and describes some of the most useful ones:

For now, we will look at list, next, print, and watch. Running:

 dbg all> list

should output the first 10 lines of main:

 my_prog{0}: 9	
 my_prog{0}: 10	  // Initiallise MPI environment
 my_prog{0}: 11	  MPI_Init(NULL,NULL);
 my_prog{0}: 12	
 my_prog{0}: 13	  // Get processor rank
 my_prog{0}: 14	  int rank;
 my_prog{0}: 15	  MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD,&rank);
 my_prog{0}: 16	
 my_prog{0}: 17	  int count = rank + 1;
 my_prog{0}: 18	

Repeating list will bring show you the next 10 lines, etc..

At the moment, we are at the start of the program. By running next, we will move to the next executable part of the program@

 dbg all> next
 my_prog{0}: main at /PATH/TO/gdb4hpc_exercise.c:13

Running list again will output the ten lines from 11-20. We can jump forward multiple lines by running next N – by replacing N with a number, we will jump down N executable lines within our code. The next command will not allow us to move from one subroutine or function to another.

We can see on line 15 that there is a variable count about to be set. If we type:

 dbg all> print count

The current value of variable count is printed to screen. If we progress the code past line 15 and print this variable value again, it has changed to 1. If we wanted, we could have used the watch command to get a notification whenever the value of the variable changes.


What happens if you keep using next and list?


The program will move from executable line to executable line until it reaches line 18, at which point the program is exited due to an MPI error

Let’s now try launching across multiple processes:

 dbg all> launch -launcher-args="--account=[budget code] --partition=standard --qos=standard --tasks-per-node=2 --cpus-per-task=1 --exclusive --export=ALL" $my_prog{2} ./gdb_exercise


The code seems to be trying to send the variable count from one process to another. Follow count (using watch) and see how it changes throughout the code. What happens?


Eventually, both processes will hang: process 0 hangs at an MPI_Barrier on line 19 and is stuck waiting for process 1 to reach its barrier. Process 1 is stuck at an MPI_Recv on line 21. Further investigation shows that it is waiting for an MPI_Send that does not exist – the source is process 1 (which has not sent anything) and the tag is 1 (there is no MPI_Send with this tag).

Let’s quit our program, fix that bug, and go back into gdb4hpc. Again, we’ll launch our program on 2 processes, and again, we’ll watch the variable count. This time, both processes are able to get the same value for the variable count. There is one final part of the code to look at – process 1 will try to get the sum of all even numbers between 0 and 20. However, the program begins to hang when process 1 reached line 28 (process 0 also hangs, but it’s already at the MPI_Finalise part of the routine so we don’t need to worry about it). Once we reach this hang, we can’t easily keep going. Let’s stop this debugging session and restart it by using release:

 dbg all> release $my_prog
 dbg all> launch -launcher-args="--account=[budget code] --partition=standard --qos=standard --tasks-per-node=2 --cpus-per-task=1 --exclusive --export=ALL" $my_new_prog{2} ./gdb_exercise	

This time, instead of next, we will use step – this does the same as next with the added feature that we can go into functions and subroutines where applicable. As the new bug appears to come from the sum_even function, let’s see where exactly the program hangs.


Having steped into the sum_even function, can you find where the code hangs?


The i++ should be brought outside of the if part of the while loop. Changing this will make the code work fully.

Profiling tools overview

Profiling on ARCHER2 is provided through the Cray Performance Measurement and Analysis Tools (CrayPat). These have a number of different components:

See the Cray Performance Measurament and Analysis Tools User Guide

Using CrayPat Lite to profile an application

Let’s grab and unpack a toy code for training purposes. To do this, we’ll use wget.

auser@login01-nmn:~>  wget

To extract the files from a .tar.gz file, we run the command tar -xvf filename.tar.gz:

auser@login01-nmn:~> tar -xzf nbody-par.tar.gz

Load CrayPat-lite module (perftools-lite)

auser@login01-nmn:~> module load perftools-lite

and compile the application normally

auser@login01-nmn:~> make
cc -DMPI -c main.c -o main.o
cc -DMPI -c utils.c -o utils.o
cc -DMPI -c serial.c -o serial.o
cc -DMPI -c parallel.c -o parallel.o
cc -DMPI main.o utils.o serial.o parallel.o -o nbody-parallel.exe
INFO: creating the PerfTools-instrumented executable 'nbody-parallel.exe' (lite-samples) ...OK

As the output of the compilation says, the executable nbody-parallel.exe has been instrumented by CrayPat-lite and therefore we can now run the application using the Slurm script provided with the source code.

Once our job has finished, we can get the performance data summarized at the end of the job STDOUT.

auser@login01-nmn:~> less slurm-out.txt
CrayPat/X:  Version 20.05.0 Revision accedbc7b  04/20/20 21:41:33

N Bodies =                     10240
Timestep dt =                  2.000e-01
Number of Timesteps =          10
Number of MPI Ranks =          64
Runtime [s]:              6.759e+00
Runtime per Timestep [s]: 6.759e-01
interactions:             10
Interactions per sec:     1.551e+08

#                                                               #
#            CrayPat-lite Performance Statistics                #
#                                                               #

CrayPat/X:  Version 20.05.0 Revision accedbc7b  04/20/20 21:41:33
Experiment:                  lite  lite-samples
Number of PEs (MPI ranks):     64
Numbers of PEs per Node:       64
Numbers of Threads per PE:      1
Number of Cores per Socket:    64
Execution start time:  Wed Jul 22 14:01:02 2020
System name and speed:  nid000003  2.250 GHz (nominal)
AMD Rome       CPU  Family: 23  Model: 49  Stepping:  0
Core Performance Boost:  All 64 PEs have CPB capability
Avg Process Time:     7.84 secs
High Memory:       3,623.9 MiBytes     56.6 MiBytes per PE
I/O Write Rate:   9.319690 MiBytes/sec

...lots of output trimmed...

Using CrayPat to profile an application

We are now going to use the full CrayPat tools. To do so, we first need to load the required modules

auser@login01-nmn:~>  module unload perftools-lite
auser@login01-nmn:~>  module load perftools

After loading the modules, we need to recompile the application

auser@login01-nmn:~> make clean; make

Once the application has been built, we need to instrument the binary. We do this with pat_build

auser@login01-nmn:~> pat_build nbody-parallel.exe

and a new binary called nbody-parallel.exe+pat it will be generated. In fact, this is the binary that we need to run in order to obtain the performance data. Replace the srun line in the Slurm script with the following

srun --cpu-bind=cores ./nbody-parallel.exe+pat -n 10240 -i 10 -t 1

After the job has finished, files are stored in an experiment data directory with the following format: exe+pat+PID-node[s|t] where:

for example, in our case a new directory called nbody-parallel.exe+pat+189193-3s could be created. It is now time to obtain the performance report. We do this with the pat_report command and the new created directory

auser@login01-nmn:~> pat_report nbody-parallel.exe+pat+189193-3s

This will command generate a full performance report and can generate a large amount of data, so you may wish to capture the data in an output file, either using a shell redirect like >, or we could choose to see only some reports. If we want to see only a profile report by function we can do

auser@login01-nmn:~> pat_report -v -O samp_profile nbody-parallel.exe+pat+189193-3s/
Table 1:  Profile by Function

  Samp% |    Samp |  Imb. |  Imb. | Group
        |         |  Samp | Samp% |  Function
        |         |       |       |   PE=HIDE

 100.0% | 1,232.9 |    -- |    -- | Total
|  65.7% |   810.6 |    -- |    -- | MPI
||  29.5% |   364.3 |  17.7 |  4.7% | MPI_File_write_all
||  21.6% |   265.7 | 138.3 | 34.8% | MPI_Sendrecv
||  12.8% |   158.2 | 113.8 | 42.5% | MPI_File_set_view
||   1.8% |    22.2 |   5.8 | 21.0% | MPI_File_open
|  27.2% |   335.0 |    -- |    -- | USER
||  26.9% |   331.5 | 138.5 | 29.9% | compute_forces_multi_set
|   7.0% |    86.8 |  20.2 | 19.2% | MATH
||   7.0% |    86.8 |  20.2 | 19.2% | sqrt

The table above shows the results from sampling the application. Program functions are separated out into different types, USER functions are those defined by the application, MPI functions contains the time spent in MPI library functions, ETC functions are generally library or miscellaneous functions included. ETC functions can include a variety of external functions, from mathematical functions called in by the library to system calls.

The raw number of samples for each code section is shown in the second column and the number as an absolute percentage of the total samples in the first. The third column is a measure of the imbalance between individual processors being sampled in this routine and is calculated as the difference between the average number of samples over all processors and the maximum samples an individual processor was in this routine.

Another useful table can be obtained profiling by Group, Function, and Line

auser@login01-nmn:~> pat_report -v -O samp_profile+src nbody-parallel.exe+pat+189193-3s/
Table 3:  Profile by Group, Function, and Line

  Samp% |    Samp | Imb. |  Imb. | Group
        |         | Samp | Samp% |  Function
        |         |      |       |   Source
        |         |      |       |    Line
        |         |      |       |     PE=HIDE

 100.0% | 1,232.9 |   -- |    -- | Total
|  65.7% |   810.6 |   -- |    -- | MPI
||  29.5% |   364.3 |   -- |    -- | MPI_File_write_all
||  21.6% |   265.7 |   -- |    -- | MPI_Sendrecv
||  12.8% |   158.2 |   -- |    -- | MPI_File_set_view
||   1.8% |    22.2 |  5.8 | 21.0% | MPI_File_open
|  27.2% |   335.0 |   -- |    -- | USER
||  26.9% |   331.5 |   -- |    -- | compute_forces_multi_set
3|        |         |      |       |  z19/lcebaman/nbody-par/parallel.c
4|||   2.7% |    32.7 | 32.3 | 50.5% | line.142
4|||   5.7% |    70.8 | 16.2 | 18.9% | line.144
4|||   4.5% |    55.7 | 21.3 | 28.1% | line.145
4|||   6.3% |    77.6 | 21.4 | 22.0% | line.148
4|||   3.9% |    47.9 | 17.1 | 26.8% | line.149
|   7.0% |    86.8 | 20.2 | 19.2% | MATH
||   7.0% |    86.8 | 20.2 | 19.2% | sqrt

If we want to profile by Function and Callers, with Line Numbers then

auser@login01-nmn:~> pat_report -O ca+src nbody-parallel.exe+pat+189193-3s/
Table 1:  Profile by Function and Callers, with Line Numbers

  Samp% |    Samp | Group
        |         |  Function
        |         |   Caller
        |         |    PE=HIDE

 100.0% | 1,232.9 | Total
|  65.7% |   810.6 | MPI
||  29.5% |   364.3 | MPI_File_write_all
3|        |         |  distributed_write_timestep:parallel.c:line.218
4|        |         |   run_parallel_problem:parallel.c:line.73
5|        |         |    __real_main:main.c:line.81
6|        |         |     main
||  21.6% |   265.7 | MPI_Sendrecv
3|  21.5% |   265.7 |  run_parallel_problem:parallel.c:line.75
4|        |         |   __real_main:main.c:line.81
5|        |         |    main
||  12.8% |   158.2 | MPI_File_set_view
3|        |         |  distributed_write_timestep:parallel.c:line.216
4|        |         |   run_parallel_problem:parallel.c:line.73
5|        |         |    __real_main:main.c:line.81
6|        |         |     main
||   1.8% |    22.2 | MPI_File_open
3|        |         |  run_parallel_problem:parallel.c:line.59
4|        |         |   __real_main:main.c:line.81
5|        |         |    main
|  27.2% |   335.0 | USER
||  26.9% |   331.5 | compute_forces_multi_set
3|  26.9% |   331.3 |  run_parallel_problem:parallel.c:line.81
4|        |         |   __real_main:main.c:line.81
5|        |         |    main
|   7.0% |    86.8 | MATH
||   7.0% |    86.8 | sqrt
3|        |         |  run_parallel_problem:parallel.c:line.81
4|        |         |   __real_main:main.c:line.81
5|        |         |    main

The reports will generate two more files, one with the extension .ap2 which holds the same data as the report data (.xf) but in the post processed form. The other file is called build-options.apa and is a text file with a suggested configuration for generating a traced experiment. You are welcome and encouraged to review this file and modify its contents in subsequent iterations, however in this first case we will continue with the defaults.

This build-options.apa file acts as the input to the pat_build command and is supplied as the argument to the -O flag.

pat_build -O nbody-parallel.exe+pat+189193-3s/build-options.apa

This will produce a third binary with extension +apa. This binary should once again be run on the back end, so the submission script should be modified and the name of the executable changed to nbody-parallel.exe+apa. Similarly to the sampling process, a new directory called exe+apa+PID-node[s|t] will be generated by the application, which should be processed by the pat_report tool. The output format of this new directory is similar to the one obtained with sampling, but now this includes apa and t to indicate that this is a tracing experiment. For instance, with our code we could get a new directory called nbody-parallel.exe+apa+69935-4t.

auser@login01-nmn:~> pat_report nbody-parallel.exe+apa+69935-4t
Table 1:  Profile by Function Group and Function

  Time% |     Time |     Imb. |  Imb. | Calls | Group
        |          |     Time | Time% |       |  Function
        |          |          |       |       |   PE=HIDE

 100.0% | 6.653825 |       -- |    -- | 679.0 | Total
|  64.3% | 4.277528 | 1.785103 | 29.9% |   1.0 | USER
||  64.3% | 4.277528 | 1.785103 | 29.9% |   1.0 | __real_main
|  31.4% | 2.090579 |       -- |    -- | 675.0 | MPI
||  21.4% | 1.425524 | 0.485545 | 25.8% | 640.0 | MPI_Sendrecv
Processing step 11 of 11
||   6.2% | 0.410421 | 0.404390 | 50.4% |  10.0 | MPI_File_set_view
||   1.5% | 0.100346 | 0.001022 |  1.0% |  10.0 | MPI_File_write_all
||   1.3% | 0.085070 | 0.000966 |  1.1% |   1.0 | MPI_File_open
|   4.3% | 0.285718 |       -- |    -- |   3.0 | MPI_SYNC
||   4.0% | 0.268344 | 0.266963 | 99.5% |   1.0 | MPI_Init(sync)

The new table above is the version generated from tracing data instead of the previous sampling data table. This version makes true timing information is available (averages per processor) and the number of times each function is called. Timings are more accurate and features like the number of calls are available.

We can also get very important performance data from the hardware (HW) counters

auser@login01-nmn:~> pat_report -v -O profile+hwpc nbody-parallel.exe+apa+69935-4t
Table 1:  Profile by Function Group and Function

Group / Function / PE=HIDE

  Time%                                                  100.0%
  Time                                                 6.653825 secs
  Imb. Time                                                  -- secs
  Imb. Time%                                                 --
  Calls                         102.044 /sec              679.0 calls
  PAPI_TOT_INS                    0.272G/sec  1,807,999,565.422 instr
  PAPI_TOT_CYC                                2,617,561,820.844 cycles
  L2_LATENCY                                          8,358,045 cycles
  REQUESTS_TO_L2_GROUP1:L2_HW_PF  0.035M/sec            230,983 ops
    L2_HW_PF                      0.370M/sec          2,463,366 ops
  L2 Avg Latency                                          13.57 cycles
  HW L2 Prefetch / L2 Requests                             9.4%
  Instr per cycle                                          0.69 inst/cycle
  MIPS                        17,390.30M/sec
  Average Time per Call                                0.009800 secs
  CrayPat Overhead : Time          0.2%

Getting help with debugging and profiling tools

You can find more information on the debugging and profiling tools available on ARCHER2 in the ARCHER2 Documentation and the Cray documentation:

If the documentation does not answer your questions then please contact the ARCHER2 Service Desk and they will be able to assist you.

Key Points

  • The main debugging tool on ARCHER2 is gdb4hpc

  • The main profiling tool on ARCHER2 is CrayPat