
The CUDA/HIP programming model

The application programmer does not want to have to worry about the exact disposition of cores/SMs, or whatever, in the hardware. An abstraction is wanted.

In CUDA and HIP, this abstraction is based on an hierarchical organisation of threads.

Decomposition into threads

If we have a one-dimensional problem, e.g., an array, we can assign individual elements to threads.

A single thread block in one dimension

Threads are typically executed in groups of 32, known as a warp (the terminology is borrowed from weaving).


Groups of threads are further organised into blocks. In our one-dimensional picture we may have:

Threads and blocks in one dimension

Blocks are scheduled to SMs.

All blocks have the same number of threads per block. Typically the maximum number of threads per block is 1024. A value of 128, 256, and so on is often selected (a whole number of warps).

Two dimensions

For two-dimensional problems (e.g., images) it is natural to have a two-dimensional Cartesian picture:

Threads and blocks in two dimensions

The arrangement of blocks is referred to as the grid in CUDA.

CUDA and HIP allow the picture to be extended straightforwardly to three dimensions.


NVIDIA developed CUDA in 2005 to make the job of programming graphics applications easier. It allows the programmer to write familiar C/C++ code which will run on a GPU.

The code divided into “host code” which runs on the host, and “device code” which runs on the GPU. In particular, computational kernels should be targeted at the device.

Host code is standard C/C++ with a number of extensions.

Kernels require a specific “kernel language”, which is just a subset of C/C++. In particular, support for library functions is limited: e.g., only assert() and printf() may be available.

Kernels may also be written in PTX (parallel thread execution), which is the NVIDIA instruction set. Both C/C++ kernels or PTX kernels must be compiled to a binary code for execution.


The NVIDIA compiler driver is nvcc (not to be confused with nvc or nvc++). This is provided as part of the NVIDIA HPC Toolkit.

CUDA code is often placed in files with the .cu extension

$ nvcc

Use nvcc --help for a list of options. E.g., one may prefer to use more standard file extensions as for C:

$ nvcc -x cu code.c

where the -x cu option instructs nvcc to interpret code as CUDA C.

Compute capabilities

Different generations of hardware have different capabilities in terms of the features they support. This is referred to as compute capability or streaming multiprocessor architecture in the NVIDIA jargon.

The most recent NVIDIA hardware supports the following

Hardware series Compute capability or “SM”
Hopper 9
Ampere 8
Volta 7
Pascal 6

The consequence is that a program must be compiled for the relevant architecture to be able to run. E.g.,

$ nvcc -arch=sm_70

will run on Volta. Minor versions such as sm_72 also exist.

This should not be confused with the CUDA version. The SM is a hardware feature, which the CUDA version is a software issue.

Portability: CUDA and HIP

CUDA has been under development by NVIDIA since around 2005. AMD, rather later to the party, develops HIP, which shadows CUDA. For example, a C/C++ call to


is simply replaced by


with the same signature. HIP code can be compiled for NVIDIA GPUs by inclusion of an appropriate wrapper which just substitutes the relevant CUDA API routine.

Not all the latest CUDA functionality is implemented in HIP at any given time.


The goal for the programmer is to describe the problem in the abstraction of grids, blocks, threads. The hardware is then free to schedule work as it sees fit.

This is the basis of the scalable parallelism of the architecture.

The very latest CUDA programming guide is well worth a look. Note there may be some features only supported on the very latest hardware (CC) and CUDA version.