Part 3: Parallel execution on compute nodes

This page covers running parallel code on compute nodes using the job submission system.

Compile the parallel version of the code

    cd C-OMP


    cc -fopenmp -g -c sharpen.c
    cc -fopenmp -g -c dosharpen.c
    cc -fopenmp -g -c filter.c
    cc -fopenmp -g -c cio.c
    cc -fopenmp -g -c utilities.c
    cc -fopenmp -g -o sharpen sharpen.o dosharpen.o filter.o cio.o utilities.o -lm

To run this code in parallel it should be submitted to the compute nodes using Slurm workload manager.

Running on the ARCHER2 compute nodes

The use of compute nodes on ARCHER2 is mediated by the Slurm job submission system. Slurm is a scheduler which is used to ensure that all users get access to their fair share of resources, to make sure that the machine is as efficiently used as possible and to allow user to run jobs without having to be physically logged in.

Whilst it is possible to run interactive jobs (jobs where you log directly into the compute nodes and run your executable there), and they are useful for debugging and development, they are not ideal for running long and/or large numbers of production jobs as you need to be physically interacting with the system to use them.

The solution to this, and the method that users generally use to run jobs on systems like ARCHER2, is to run in batch mode. In this case you put the commands you wish to run in a file (called a job script) and the system executes the commands in sequence for you with no need for you to be interacting.

Using Slurm job scripts

You will notice in the C-OMP folder there is a Slurm script archer2.slurm. If you open it using a text editor (nano, vi, or emacs).

nano archer2.slurm



#SBATCH --job-name=sharpen
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --tasks-per-node=1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=4
#SBATCH --time=00:01:00

# Replace [budget code] below with your project code (e.g. t01)
#SBATCH --account=[budget code]
#SBATCH --partition=standard
#SBATCH --qos=standard

# Setup the batch environment
module load epcc-job-env

# Set the number of threads to the CPUs per task

# Launch the parallel job
srun --hint=nomultithread --distribution=block:block ./sharpen

This is an OpenMP program so we control the number of parallel threads used with the --cpus-per-task variable.

To submit the job to run on the compute nodes we use the sbatch command

sbatch archer2.slurm


Submitted batch job 1793266

Where the number is the unique job ID.


On ARCHER2 you must submit jobs from the ``/work`` filesystem.

Monitoring the batch job

The slurm command squeue can be used to show the status of the jobs. Without any options or arguments it lists all jobs known by the scheduler.


To show just your jobs add the -u $USER option

squeue -u $USER

Note that for this example it runs very quickly so you may not see it in the queue before it finishes running.

Finding the output

The Slurm system places the output from your job in a file called slurm-<jobID>.out. You can view it using the cat command

cat slurm-1793266.out


Image sharpening code running on 4 thread(s)

Input file is: fuzzy.pgm
Image size is 564 x 770

Using a filter of size 17 x 17

Reading image file: fuzzy.pgm
... done

Starting calculation ...
Thread 0 on core 0
Thread 1 on core 1
Thread 2 on core 2
Thread 3 on core 3
... finished

Writing output file: sharpened.pgm

... done

Calculation time was 0.970780 seconds
Overall run time was 1.124198 seconds

To control the number of threads you can edit the #SBATCH --cpus-per-task=4 variable to a different number and resubmit the job.

Because this is an OpenMP program it will not scale beyond one node which is 128 cores on ARCHER2.

Investigating the parallel speed-up

You will notice that two timings are reported: the calculation time, and the overall runtime. The first excludes the file input/output operations.

The speed-up is calculated by diving the the time taken to run on one core by the time taken to run using N cores. For this program you can calculate the speed-up for both the calculation time and the overall runtime

Example speed-up results for ARCHER2 are shown below.

speedup graph

Speedup results for ARCHER2

Things to think about …

Before we move on a couple of things to consider:

  • Can you explain why the x axis on the plot of parallel speed-up only extend to 128 cores on Archer2?

  • Using the code provided for the threaded version of sharpen are you able to reproduce the plot given for Archer2 on your own system? How do the results compare?

  • There are other version of the sharpen example that employ different methods to parallelise the calculation. One uses message passing and the other is a hybrid that combines message passing and shared memory parallelism. additionally try to recreate the plot on speed-up for using these codes. How does the data compare?