Introduction to HPC (Beta)
Introduction to High Performance Computing
Parallel Computers
Welcome to Part 2
How does your laptop work?
Connecting Multiple Computers
Comparing the two appraoches
Parallel Computing
Computer Simulations
Introduction to HPC (Beta)
Parallel Computers
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Parallel Computers
Welcome to Part 2
How does your laptop work?
Computer Basics
Shared Memory Architecture
Simple Parallel Calculation
Who needs a multicore laptop?
How does your laptop use multiple CPU-cores?
Memory Caches
Resource Contention
Terminology Quiz
Connecting Multiple Computers
Distributed Memory Architecture
Simple Parallel Calculation
Case study of a real machine
Wee ARCHIE case study
ARCHER2 - it’s more complicated…
ARCHER2: building a real supercomputer
Quiz - Processors, ARCHER2 and Wee ARCHIE
Comparing the two appraoches
Looking inside your laptop
How similar is your laptop to a node of a supercomputer?
Shared memory vs Distributed memory
What limits the speed of a supercomputer?
Graphics Processors
terminology Recap
Game: Build your own supercomputer