Setup |
Download files required for the lesson |
Day 1 |
10:00 |
1. Welcome
What can I expect from this course?
How will the course work and how will I get help?
How can I give feedback to improve the course?
10:15 |
2. Who we are: Introducing BioExcel, PRACE, and EPCC training
What is BioExcel?
What is PRACE?
What is EPCC?
Who else is attending this course?
11:00 |
3. LECTURE: High-Performance Computing (HPC)
What is high-performance computing?
11:20 |
4. PRACTICAL: Connecting to ARCHER2 and transferring data
How can I access ARCHER2 interactively and transfer data?
11:40 |
12:00 |
6. LECTURE: HPC Architectures [pre-recorded]
What components make up a high-performance computer?
How are they typically connected together?
What does this mean for how software runs?
12:20 |
7. PRACTICAL: Overview of the ARCHER2 system and modules
What hardware and software is available on ARCHER2?
How does the hardware fit together?
What software is available on ARCHER2 and how can I use it?
13:00 |
13:40 |
9. LECTURE: Batch systems and parallel application launchers [pre-recorded]
What is a queueing system?
What is a (parallel) application launcher
How do these work?
14:00 |
10. PRACTICAL: Batch Systems and ARCHER2 Slurm Scheduler
How do I write job submission scripts?
How do I control jobs?
How do I find out what resources are available?
14:30 |
14:50 |
12. LECTURE: Parallel Computing Patterns
How can software solve problems in parallel?
What are the (dis)advantages of common patterns of parallel computing?
What are common challenges software faces in using many processors effectively?
What does this mean for your use of HPC?
15:20 |
13. PRACTICAL: HMMER (1 of 2)
How does genomic sequence alignment software run in parallel using HPC?
15:55 |
14. REVIEW: Review of Day 1
What have we learned today?
What would you like us to focus on more tomorrow?
16:00 |
Finish |
Day 2 |
10:00 |
15. Welcome
What did we cover in day 1?
What will we cover in day 2 and how does this relate to day 1?
10:05 |
16. LECTURE: Measuring Parallel Performance
What is performance and how is it measured?
What is scalability?
What is meant by strong and weak scaling?
10:35 |
17. PRACTICAL: HMMER (2 of 2)
How efficiently can genomic sequence alignment software scale when run in parallel using HPC?
11:20 |
11:40 |
19. LECTURE: Computational Building Blocks: Software
What is an operating system (OS)?
What OSs do HPC facilities use?
What are processes?
What are threads?
How are processes and threads relevant to parallel computing?
12:10 |
20. LECTURE: Computational Building Blocks: Hardware
What happens in a computer’s hardware when it runs your software?
What is a processor / core / CPU?
What is an accelerator?
How do processor, accelerator, memory, interconnect, disk, etc. make a parallel computer fast or slow?
12:40 |
13:30 |
22. PRACTICAL: Benchmarking Molecular Dynamics Performance Using GROMACS 1
How does a small, 80k-atom system performance scale as more cores are used?
What about a larger, 12M-atom system?
14:00 |
23. LECTURE: Parallel Programming Models
How is software actually written to run in parallel?
Does this differ in the shared-memory vs distributed-memory context?
What are the roles of processes and threads?
How is software written to use accelerators (GPUs)?
Why is this useful to know for running (if not writing) software on HPC?
14:30 |
14:50 |
25. PRACTICAL: Benchmarking Molecular Dynamics Using GROMACS 2
How do we run hybrid MPI and OpenMP jobs on ARCHER2?
Does adding OpenMP to MPI GROMACS affect performance?
15:20 |
26. LECTURE: Compiling software: from source code to executable
What is involved in compiling sofware?
Is it useful to be able to compile software myself?
Can a compiler speed up and/or parallelise code?
What compiler should I use?
15:45 |
27. REVIEW: Review of Day 2
What have we learned today?
What would you like us to focus on more tomorrow?
16:00 |
Finish |
Day 3 |
10:00 |
28. Welcome
What did we cover in day 2?
What will we cover in day 3 and how does this relate to days 1 & 2?
10:05 |
29. PRACTICAL: Benchmarking Molecular Dynamics Using GROMACS 3
Does simultaneous multithreading (SMT) improve GROMACS performance on ARCHER2?
How does load balancing affect GROMACS performance?
10:35 |
30. LECTURE: Pipelines and Workflows
Is it possible to run data-intensive computational pipelines (e.g. bioinformatics) in parallel on HPC?
How about biomolecular simulation workflows?
11:20 |
11:40 |
32. PRACTICAL: QM/MM simulations with CP2K
How can using MPI+OpenMP benefit the performance of an application?
Why is profiling code useful?
What are communication overheads and how these might change on different numbers of processes or threads?
12:40 |
13:30 |
34. LECTURE: The future of HPC
What are some of the key trends in HPC in the next few years?
What does this mean for my use of HPC for science?
14:00 |
35. PRACTICAL: QM/MM Simulations Using CP2K 2
How can using MPI+OpenMP benefit the performance of an application?
Why is profiling code useful?
What are communication overheads and how these might change on different numbers of processes or threads?
14:30 |
14:50 |
37. LECTURE: The HPC landscape in the EU and UK
What HPC resources are available in the EU and in the UK?
What are the different tiers of HPC facilities, and what does this mean?
15:20 |
38. REVIEW: Course review and where next?
What have we learned over this course?
Where do we go from here?
What other training do BioExcel, PRACE, and EPCC offer?
15:40 |
Finish |
The actual schedule may vary slightly depending on the topics and exercises chosen by the instructor.